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Outdoor Life on Zinke

Agree: I can't imagine we could have gotten a better choice with an (R) behind their name considering what the R's national platform agenda is.

It's just not fair in today's world when everyone doesn't get what they want 100% of the time.

Just out of curiosity, anyone got a suggestion who would be better with an R affiliation than Zinke?
I'm glad you wrote that, Ben. It is good perspective. I hope it is read my many.
Well written article. I think we, public land hunters and anglers, can work with him, based on his past decisions.
From the perspective of this proud member of BHA and equally as proud coal miner of 20 years that works at a mine that operates on public land I see far more in Mr. Zinke to be happy with than I do to be upset about.

A low score from the LCV should be somewhat expected for a SOI pick. No responsible SOI should support a position of "Keep it in the ground" any more than they should stand for a position of mine and drill every square inch of God's green earth.
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Good article Ben. Not being super "in the know" when it comes to political positions, I'm curious to see if he can have any impact in making a difference on the Forest Service being able to get out timber sales without being litigated until the end of time.
That's a great summary of where we are at Ben. Thanks for writing it.

Any one who promotes any development of fossil fuels is going to get a low "grade" from a lot of environmental groups, and to them will a priori be bad for the environment, as they see global warming as an existential risk. There are certainly other considerations, but that is their chief one. Many sportsmen on the other hand, see the Transfer of Public Lands as an existential risk to the American Experience.

If over the course of Trump's presidency public lands stay public, and the land transfer movement loses steam and legitimacy, we could consider that a good outcome given the possibilities being considered only a month ago. Zinke being SOI is a good start for that to happen.
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Thanks Ben for this important piece of information. Well summarized to a relevant level.
Good article Ben. The simple fact that Zinke has an open dialogue with a guy like Land Tawney is a huge plus for all of us sportsmen. None of us should be naive enough to expect dream results from Zinke or the administration as a whole, but having a SOI that has NW Montana in his soul makes me sleep a little easier at night.
Good article Ben. Not being super "in the know" when it comes to political positions, I'm curious to see if he can have any impact in making a difference on the Forest Service being able to get out timber sales without being litigated until the end of time.

As Secretary of Interior, Forest Service is the one major public land agency he will not oversee. That falls under the Department of Agriculture, and I haven't been keeping up with who's in the running for that one.

Nice article Ben.

Looks like a pretty extreme group to me. When comfortable, oil addicted first world Americans say 'keeping dirty fuels in the ground' what I've found they mean is keeping hard-working Americans away from six-figure salaries, while importing oil from sub-human barbarians.

I'm looking forward to atleast 4 years of these extremists not having a voice. Hopefully with Zinke the extremists on the Bundy end of the spectrum won't have much voice either.

I'm glad to see TRCP and BHA take an optimistic and pragmatic statement about Zinke, instead of the incessant fear-mongering from groups like Montana Wilderness Association hoping to drum up a few 'donate nows'.

Good letter Ben.
Only time will tell how Zinke does as SOI, until then I'll remain cautiously optimistic. Won't say the same about the Trump though, he's a disaster IMO.

They can't do anymore than the current administration and SOI has done over the last 8 years to protect and preserve our public lands, they were top notch supporters and defenders of our public lands and it's a travesty they never got the credit they deserved. History will prove that.
This whole oil independence thing drives me crazy. If you want oil independence then you also want $150/barrel oil and $5/gal gas. Our oil reserves are simply more costly to produce than those in other regions, in terms of geography, geology, and labor (those great 6-figure salaries everyone wants). If oil independence is the goal, ask for paper bags at the grocery store and buy a Leaf.
Nice work BL.

Zinke has also supported transferring management of public lands to the states, gutting the Antiquities Act as well as opposing the BLM plans that put wildlife on the same level as development. I'm hopeful that RMEF, BHA, TRCP, etc can help him see the error of his ways.

Here's what Rob Bishop had to say (take with 5 grains of salt):
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