
I'd have to say that is one way to commit suicide. However I do wonder what possessed him to lite a M-100 in his mouth.......did he not like his eye color or something, did he like blue eyes better??????
Quick Draw
Damn, that is really sick...
Guess if he was dumb enough to do it, he deserved what he got..
What would posses you to do something that stupid??
QD, He has blue eyes now... One blew to the right and one blew to the left....

Bill, where do you find this stuff??

Hey Danr,
like the Blue eyes comment!!!!!!...
I also wonder where people find this weird stuff....This one is downright sick!
Looks like he won, at least he weeded himself out of the gene pool...
I think there are a few more that need to pick up the practice.
Was this the same dork that jumped onto the dumpster?
i just hope he didn't re-produce. do you think at any time the phrase " this might not be a good idea" ever crossed his mind????? :confused: :confused: |oo |oo |oo
Now thats a blowjob!

Probablybe seeing more third party liability crap and packaging "Do not place in oral cavity-may cause head to explode!" :rolleyes: What a moron!
I just saw one with a guy sticking a good sized rocket in the crack of his ass and lighting it thinking it would take off. Well it stuck and burned his crack black. I think it was a Black Crack brand from China.
I seen that one too ringer.. It makes you feel bad for them, but only for a short second, then you have to laugh at the stupidity involved. How dumb CAN you be??
I guess that is where "Duhhhhhhhhhhh" comes from...