Caribou Gear Tarp

Original Gun Boxes

Do you keep the original box your gun came in or throw it away?

  • Toss it

    Votes: 38 43.2%
  • It will forever stay in my attic/basement

    Votes: 50 56.8%

  • Total voters
I keep them. Not sure why. I inherited my dad's collection when he passed and always thought it would have been sweet to have those original boxes!
I never used to keep them and now I do. I’m pretty sure a couple guns I’ve sold recently I got way more than I would have had I just sold the gun raw. Cleaning up a used gun and putting it in the original box to sell gives the impression it was well taken care of IMO. Also great to have if you need to get the gun serviced to send back to a manufacturer.
Have only bought one new gun during my life: a Browning A-5, Seoul, Korea PX, 1972. Three years later I traded it to my dad for a saddlebag handgun and he got the box. When he died in 1999, the A-5 came back to me. He had kept the box ... with military registration paperwork and factory manual still under the styrofoam. I still have it. Don't know why. It's in tough shape.
Got one my Ruger P-89 came in, plastic case! Also got my 1917 Savage 32 auto in the original factory box.
My dad has an entire safe just for his “boxed guns.” He also has all of his boxes in the garage rafters. First world problems. I keep them but I think I will eventually start tossing them.
Another thing to think about. I bought my oldest (my step son) a new franchi youth shotgun last year. I definitely kept the box for that one. Cant really justify buying each boy his own only for them to out grow it and want to pick out there "own"in there teen years. Figured I will box it back up for each boy and either cerakote it in between or have it dipped to offset the "hand me down" effect. Then repeat with the grandkids someday maybe idk. Maybe a dumb idea time will tell.
About ten years I had a woman hanging around my house and she was always organizing and cleaning. I made mention that I wished I had more room for all my rifle and shotgun boxes. She made the comment that maybe if I didnt have room for the boxes maybe that was a sign I had too many firearms. I miss her once in awhile.
She didn't suggest that you thin the herd?
We had a Cabela's open near me 4 or 5 years ago. The guy they hired to run the firearms department decided to throw out all the empty boxes sitting in the back. All of a sudden hundreds of new guns to sell with no boxes. He didn't have that job very long.
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