Opener treated me alright

Not solo, I was with three other family/friends. Two got nice bucks as well. And yep, it was the GAP 6.5x47L, which I'm really liking!
Have good folks along would make it even more the sweeter! I'm not surprised you took that rifle. Those NTs seem to have quite a bit of 'mojo'. Though I mentally masterbait the benefits of a super light rifle, one similar to that is really starting to gain favor for me.
Congrats real nice buck, were heading out Thursday for Wyoming on a self guided Mule deer hunt for 10 days.
Nice buck and sounds like a great trip. Anytime you feel like playing sherpa, I'm your huckleberry. I'm geting too old to carry my own gear.
Borrowed a Stone Glacier pack to try out too, big fan. I'm trying to keep the one I used, cause I like it and also cause I don't want to wash it good enough to return. That load went 115 lbs, 93 of which were deer parts.

So you are the guy with the loaner. Clean it up so I can give it a whirl. ;) I too would love to hear your review. Hopefully I can get to use one soon packing out a critter.

Great buck and picts.
Missed this post...tough keeping up with so many great animals being taken.

Very nice buck...congrats.
I didn't Randy. Short of sending a tooth in to a lab, is general tooth decay the best way? A friend is cleaning out the skull currently, but I should have it back soon.
I'll piggy back, as this is one of "the other two" bucks that died. He also died via 6.5x47; thanks to inconsequential recoil I got to watch the shot drop him instantly and the subsequent cartwheels off the cliff.


I still really like those pictures. Nice shot and thanks for sharing the hunt.

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