Been hunting this spot every weekend and once or twice throughout the week during archery season. It started off slow and I didn’t see many deer, then all of a sudden a switch turned on and 7 bucks became the norm. One maybe two shooters. I call these hunts but I’ve only really made 4 solid attempts at any of these deer. Most of the time it’s just been watching them and patterning them. Through out the season I kept noticing this one buck that looked like a whitetail. I mean everytime I looked at him I said “wow that looks like a whitey.” Little 3x3. I never paid him much attention because he’s not what I was looking for size wise. Well after my final attempt that ended with a big buck blowing out at 10 yards from me this morning, I watched the herd run over the rise and something caught my eye. The last buck in the group of ~10 deer had his tail sticking straight up and was running while the rest were hopping. I thought no way. I’m quite a ways from text book whitetail habitat. Craggy hills covered in sage. No creeks or heavy tree cover. Not to say whitetail can’t live there but I’ve never seen one out there before let alone intermingling with a herd of mule deer. Hes not a target buck by any means which makes me wonder if he’s gonna make it and breed some does and what could lead from there. Would be interesting if in a couple years I start seeing some hybrid bucks. This is a piece of private that doesn’t see a whole lot of pressure. He’s a bit small so hopefully the rancher doesn’t shoot him either. Looking back through pictures he’s definitely a white tail. No black spot on his tail, little basket frame. Attached are some other bucks that I thought looked nice.
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