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One gun to do it all .25 sst (Sherman short tactical)

.....Being able to shoot a variety of 130-140g bullets makes a 260ai better deer caliber for me.

That couldn't be more right But something I mention quite a bit on these site's. Old indian woman in Canada years ago killed the world record grizzly, #2 now, with a single shot 22 rim fire using 22 long ammo and she did it on purpose! That seem's to tell me that all cartridges will kill well if your up to it and willing to do what you need to do!
Never used the Ace bullets but hear good things for them as a target bullet. My preference always leads me to as beefy of a bullet as possible for hunting so...before MTMuley...Hammer Bullets would make short work of a lot of animals especially if you have your rifle twist setup for heavy quarterbore bullets
Never used the Ace bullets but hear good things for them as a target bullet. My preference always leads me to as beefy of a bullet as possible for hunting so...before MTMuley...Hammer Bullets would make short work of a lot of animals especially if you have your rifle twist setup for heavy quarterbore bullets
I think the heaviest Hammer is the 128 gn that still meets G7. Thats a lot better than the 115 gn G1 bullets of the past, but I am still looking forward to more offerings in the 130+ range.
Was the reason you went with the CS stock pattern on account of all your family members using it? Nothing wrong with that plan was just curious.
This will be a nice set up when completed interested in this build this is the first I’ve heard of the sherman
I picked up a 300 wsm for a donor action. Been looking into turning it into a 25 sst and running either the 131s or bergers new rounds. Would be a great cartridges for coues, especially for the kids. I have a 270 sherman ands it been fun using his design. Axisworks does great work and I can't wait to see how the project turns out. What powder do you plan on using?
I shot a 25-06 for a lot of years. I ended up selling it because I just wasn’t happy with how it did on a trip out west.

I shot a mule deer buck and doe, along with a antelope buck and doe.

Now it did kill them all and but there was little blood trail. Of the 4, 2 went down right away. No tracking required but zero blood until I gutted them. The other 2 ran a ways over a rise and dropped in a large sage flat. We ended up having to grid that sage to find them as they dropped out of sight. The one was a marginal shot and it went several hundred yards. Only had an occasional drop of blood here and there. The other one we never found a drop.

.25 just isn’t a big entrance hole to allow much blood to escape. The ones that had a pass thru with maybe a 3/4” size exit. It seemed the hair on the animals soaked up a lot of it.

Where I found the gun to shine was when I was using for varmint hunting. It was a blast to shoot all summer long.

Quarter bores have there place and are fun rifles when used right.
The best blood trail I’ve ever gotten on a big game animal was from a 257 WBY magnum with a 115 grain Accubond. Shot through the shoulder. It appeared as if a bucket of blood had been poured out for 50 yards.
Really nice build your working on, first class all the way. Hope you enjoy it. Keep us up on your progress .
I picked up a 300 wsm for a donor action. Been looking into turning it into a 25 sst and running either the 131s or bergers new rounds. Would be a great cartridges for coues, especially for the kids. I have a 270 sherman ands it been fun using his design. Axisworks does great work and I can't wait to see how the project turns out. What powder do you plan on using?
Not sure yet. Something slow and stable.
Axisworks says the action is on track for deliver mid August with the stock shortly behind. So build should be complete in October.

I’ve been able to get my hands on 1,000 lrp, 3# of H1000 and 50 128 gn hammer hunters, 100 Berger 135 gn target hybrid and have Berger Elite hunters on preorder and Blackjack Ace on back order (going on 3 mos).

Brass is a a little tough right now as Rich is only selling it 50 pcs at a time in a bundle with a set of dyes for $300. Luckily I have two buddies with the same caliber who stocked up on brass early and have plenty I can buy from them.
I picked up a 300 wsm for a donor action. Been looking into turning it into a 25 sst and running either the 131s or bergers new rounds. Would be a great cartridges for coues, especially for the kids. I have a 270 sherman ands it been fun using his design. Axisworks does great work and I can't wait to see how the project turns out. What powder do you plan on using?
I'm pretty sure you already know this but rather than going to a custom bullet in the 25 cal you can step up one cal to 26 cal and using the same case shoot that factory bullet faster!
From what i know, the Blachjack Ace behaves like a Berger VLD on game.
In other words, pick your shots.
It is not a bullet to go through the shoulders with.
It behaves like a VLD in that it goes in 1-3 inches, then expands violently! Often shedding it's jacket.
And from using the Berger VLD on some decent white tails here in PA, it's amazing the amount of blood that comes out of the bullet sized entry wound only!
Looks like you shot a spray can of red paint!

From my experience & observed others experience, the 25 calibers seem to kill above what you would expect.
70 yard shot with 115gr VLD has deer "puffing up, going straight legged, and falling over".
100gr Balllistic Tips give clean pass throughs.

At shorter ranges for accuracy, the 131gr Ace is merely ok, as a hunting bullet. Where it really shines is beyond 400 yards.
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