Kenetrek Boots

25-06 or 280AI

I'm a fan of the .25-06, but for elk? Even 120 gr bullet is pretty light to take down a big animal. Sure you can probably do it, but what if the damn thing runs off wounded? Is that ethical? I can drive my car with bare feet, but is it a good idea? I have a .30-06 and a 7mm Rem Mag. That .25-06 is probably only good out to 300 yards. The 7mag has a lot more punch and can reach out and touch some one! The .280 AI I'm sure is a good round, but what if you have to buy ammo from a retail store?? You are up sht creek without a paddle. I say, most of the time, It's not the arrow but the indian! You asked, my take. Watch the guy Desert Dog on Youtube. He's a fan of the .30-06 and 7mm-08. He has some really good advice and no axe to grind. He ain't taking graft from the ammo companies.
I'm a fan of the .25-06, but for elk? Even 120 gr bullet is pretty light to take down a big animal. Sure you can probably do it, but what if the damn thing runs off wounded? Is that ethical? I can drive my car with bare feet, but is it a good idea? I have a .30-06 and a 7mm Rem Mag. That .25-06 is probably only good out to 300 yards. The 7mag has a lot more punch and can reach out and touch some one! The .280 AI I'm sure is a good round, but what if you have to buy ammo from a retail store?? You are up sht creek without a paddle. I say, most of the time, It's not the arrow but the indian! You asked, my take. Watch the guy Desert Dog on Youtube. He's a fan of the .30-06 and 7mm-08. He has some really good advice and no axe to grind. He ain't taking graft from the ammo companies.
Aight, I’ve had both my 25-06 and a 280 Ackley for a bit now, but since this got brought back up, here’s the dealio:

The 25-06 is what I went with after this thread, but in a fast twist to handle heavy monos. I was an idiot and didn’t get it in 1:7 to handle the heaviest Hammer, but I did get it in 1:7.5 and so it handles the 125 Hammers, with finesse. It’s a good gun and I would absolutely take it elk hunting if it boiled down to it— with the 125 hammers going ~3150 (retumbo).

Factory ammo is the last thing on my mind for 280 AI since I reload. Components are easy to come by around here and brass can be ordered online pretty easily (though it costs a bit but lasts a while).

Desert Dog has some good information. I’ve been subscribed to him for a while.
Elk are hard to find, not kill. This is assuming you can shoot in the heart/lung 25 inch kill zone. I’ve dug a year plus old 338 round out of a bull’s hind quarter in the past.

I hunt with a 280AI but family has killed several bull elk out to 400 yards with 257 Roberts with 110 ABs. Dead within 50 yards of being shot. Past threw.

Pick whatever caliber flavor and type of rifle you want above the state’s minimum requirement and enjoy.