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One gun/caliber to rule them all?

I’ve had a lot of time on my hands the last month and have been reading and watching hunting videos and everything related to hunting and the outdoors.
I like Ron Spomer and his many videos on firearms and the many different calibers available. A recent video I watched was titled “One gun to rule them all!” A reference to Lord of the Rings no doubt. He chose the 7mm rem magnum as the ultimate all around gun for average hunting range and for a little extra when needed. I like the 30-06, but I’ve never been out west either.
So just for kicks and because it’s interesting to see what other hunters think. What’s your choice if you only had one caliber to hunt everything…bear, moose, pronghorn, hogs, whitetails…etc?
I think if moose is on the list most people thay hunt them have a number of guns. One gun for everything? To many good answers but for me probably my 6.5x55. Could be a 308 with me as I've done a lot of hunting with one. But if I thought about it and had to come up with a perfect cartridge it would probably be one I have not hunted with much. Very very hard to denight the versatility of the 30-06. avaliability of ammo, lower recoil than any magnums that might make this list and A really wide range of bullet's. I've killed three elk with one and thats it. Yea for me preobaably my 6.5x55 knowing there many more just as good!
I’ve had several guns that were my “one gun” for a time. originally it was a 30-06 which was fine, but the last 10 years or so I’ve been partial to the 7 rm. my current one gun/truck gun is a Christensen ridgeline in 7rm, Talley rings and a vx3 I lrp 6.5x20, 168 gr berger vlds loaded in atlas brass with h1000 and 215’s. 3113 fps. It’s light, I got the ballistic data memorized out to 1k and everything I point it at and pull the trigger dies where it stands. Got about 350 rds loaded for it, can’t see changing it any time soon. I got a lot of other “cooler” calibers and more expensive custom builds but usually let my kids play with those or use them for the purpose built. All around gun for western hunting, lightweight 7rm for sure.
"One gun (or cartridge) to rule them all"?
Maybe "rule them all" is the wrong term.
There are many cartridges that can and do perform well through a wide spectrum of needs/wants.
6.5X55 has been killing moose for many decades now.
But do you trust it in Brown bear territory?

Cartridges such as the 30-06, 308, 270, 280 Rem, 7mm-08 give acceptable performance such that you can varmint hunt, yet still not be "under gunned" in Brown bear territory.
I would not hesitate to say that the 6.5x55 is every bit the equal of the 7-08 and 270Win with popular loadings. To match the SD of the European moose loads(and the kinds of loads it was designed for) you have to go to 170gr in .277” and 180gr in .284”. It has more case capacity than a 7-08, and was designed to shoot heavier bullets than the 7-08. While the 270 can absolutely be loaded to beat it, guys shooting 130gr, 140gr, and 150gr bullets are not shooting better bear bullets than what the 6.5x55 should be shooting. I know you wouldn’t say that a 140AB from a 7-08 is better on brown bear than a 156 Norma Oryx, or 155gr Lapua Mega from a 6.5x55.
Yes in the video he didn’t say anything about small game hunting. Perhaps the video and questions should’ve been one gun (for large game) to rule them all!🤷‍♂️
Large game is easy. .28 Nosler for one gun including deer. No deer elk and up then for me .30 Nosler. 300 WM fine and I have one. See it’s hard. Thank god we are t limited to one gun!! It would be boring. Deer and under lots of choices.

Now if I could only have one gun period including survival it’ll be my Ruger Scout in .308. No wait, maybe my Marlin 338 MXLR. But then Marlin 338 is ballistically like a 30.06. Now I am back to my original choice.
I’ve had a lot of time on my hands the last month and have been reading and watching hunting videos and everything related to hunting and the outdoors.
I like Ron Spomer and his many videos on firearms and the many different calibers available. A recent video I watched was titled “One gun to rule them all!” A reference to Lord of the Rings no doubt. He chose the 7mm rem magnum as the ultimate all around gun for average hunting range and for a little extra when needed. I like the 30-06, but I’ve never been out west either.
So just for kicks and because it’s interesting to see what other hunters think. What’s your choice if you only had one caliber to hunt everything…bear, moose, pronghorn, hogs, whitetails…etc?
30-06 is my choice. Does everything "good enough " . There's a reason it's used worldwide. 2nd place has to be the 308win. Ymmv
7rem mag. flat. hits very hard. manageable recoil. .284 ballistics (sectional density and bc for wind/drop). What it isn't: massively over-bored, flavor of the month, shoulder crushing, powder glutton, barrel eater.
I have rifles chambered in lots of different cartridges, but I have harvested more animals with a 7Rem Mag than any else.
Man that is a tough one. Everyone has brought up good options and all would work. Strictly going off the ammo shelves. .308, 30-06, .300 Win Mag, .270, and 7mm Rem Mag are all available. That limits my choice based on that. Now my gun selection that I currently have. I have a .300 WSM but factory ammo is no existent around here so that has been removed. I have plenty of .300 Win Mag fodder but no longer have the gun. That is gone. I have to go with the 7mm Rem Mag or 30-06. The 30-06 has sights on it with Leupold QD Scope base and rings. So if something would happen to the scope I am still in the game. Ughhhh 30-06 based on my criteria.
Can you even find a new rifle that has iron sights on it anymore?
If I could only have one gun to do it all it would be a 12 gauge. Birdshot, buckshot, slugs, everything from squirrel to Griz. I don't know that there are any regulations against using it for things like Elk or Moose. Anybody on here ever actually use a slug gun to take big game?
I’ve taken deer with slugs and with buckshot.

A 12 gauge with slugs is more or less equivalent to a .45-70, in terms of energy/range.

Wouldn’t be my choice for still hunting timber for elk simply because an 870 weighs significantly more than my rifle.
I have only hunted with one caliber all of my life (45+ years) It is the .270. It has never let me down!
For me, the answer to this post lies these few question. Do you reload? Is most of your hunting in open country or tight country? What is your max sized game animal? Are you basing your answer on reality or fantasy?

If one reloads, the 280 AI has all the math and powder efficiency anyone could ever ask for, It is the 95 % equivalent of the 7 mag with so MUCH less powder, recoil and comes in light rifles

If you hunt in less open country the.308 is so just plain doable. It is also so efficient and accurate.

If you stay with deer and antelope, and like to stalk the sweet Swede 6.5x55 works admirably.

I have loved both the 30-06 and .270 forever.

With the use of monolythic all copper bullets, all calibers can get an upgrade. Copper bullets with their sharp spinning petals cut/drill their way through game. A huge efficiency surge over lead bullets, which now reminds me of shaving with a dull razor. The reviews of such bullets as Barnes from African Professional hunters are glowing.

That makes the .270 now the equal of the 30-06.

The only problem with the,270 is that Lapua does not make an all copper Naturaiis bullet for the .270.

Those bullets are such great killers and so kind to meat. In times gone by I used 180 grain Barnes round nosed originals in my .270 when hunting antelope in high mountain meadows in Grizz country of NW Wyoming where I once lived

Some fellows are just going to be hooked on the myth and glory of huge, big calibers that they will never have need for.

I would say flip a coin between the .270 and .308 and add in this thought. Hunting the west has become more like hunting the east.

Despite all the long-range shooting Hoopla, and even because of it, the increased hunting pressure has caused game animals to respond with the “Ecology of Fear” and seek the safety of tighter county.
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