One For The Wall!

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I set a goal a number of years ago that I had to meet or break a minimal size on a rainbow or brown trout before I would ever consider getting one mounted. I had no idea it would take so long to reach that goal. I've literally caught and released thousands of trout in pursuit of this goal. Yesterday I not only reached it, but broke my personal best three times in one day! Needless to say I'm still riding the natural high that came from that. This fish was hard earned. The wind was relentless and the red on my face is wind burn, not sun burn. I actually had wave hit me in the chest a time or two while standing in knee deep water. It was crazy and worth every second. This trout I've deemed worthy for the wall and now I just hope the taxidermist will work his magic and make it beautiful.
Pretty awesome! Grats! Look forward to a pic of the finished mount.
What an early season of hogs you are having. Very happy for you, and quite envious.
Awsome Bow !!!
I think I would mount that also,
I had to stay home and do yards work and family Easter stuff, but next weekend, I'm going again.
My new personal goal is to go fishing with you!

Awesome fish !!

What is it? about 28-29 in and 11-13 lbs?
Gorgeous : is it already mounted??? Huge congrats to you!!!! Well deserved
Note; I follow Big sky fish threads like elk in the fall;)
Huge fan!

Hope to be wave beaten and grizzled with a trophy too soon
Way to go man!
Thanks for sharing!

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