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One For The Wall!

Congrats on that behemoth, what a beautiful trout! Maybe my standards are just lower, but I've seen you with a slew of wall worth fish .............. schools of them. Where's the blackbuck from?

My father-in-law grew up in Helena when Canyon Ferry was filling up in the mid-1950s. He had spent some time in Korea during the conflict and was back in Montana figuring out what to do as a man in his mid-20s. He fished when not working. The Canyon Ferry trout had tremendous food sources for a few years as the water rose. Several trout got very large. He and a buddy caught several trout there that were bigger than any trout they ever caught the rest of their lives.

When I was a wee lad in the the midwest, the Missouri F&G would occasionally cull out older hatchery trout to release in the cooler streams in early summer. Mostly hens. I stumbled into a deep pool in a small river that must have been the seeding point the night before and was not very challenging since these were hatchery fish and I was using a rooster tail with a open face reel. Still, was a nice way to spend a few hours.
To answer a couple questions. The fish is not mounted yet. I took this photo just before putting him in the freezer.

The black buck was from a fantastic trip to Texas a few years ago. We also killed a pile of free range wild pigs on that trip.

This fish was taken in public water accessible to anyone. The weather conditions were bordering on the extreme. He was caught towards the end of the day after fishing non stop for 7 hours. I watched four other fishermen come and go during that time. Just like hunting effort often equates to success.
Beautiful trout! My opinion. Do a replica mount. Congrats!
I never weighed the fish but he is 26.5" long. I have very few fish mounted but when I do get them mounted it's always a skin mount. I personally do not like replica mounts and can usually tell if they are a replica from across the room. Hanging a plastic fish on the wall does absolutely nothing for me. I feel the same about replica antlers.
I never weighed the fish but he is 26.5" long. I have very few fish mounted but when I do get them mounted it's always a skin mount. I personally do not like replica mounts and can usually tell if they are a replica from across the room. Hanging a plastic fish on the wall does absolutely nothing for me. I feel the same about replica antlers.

HUMUNGO, had to check your trophy out once more sir!
Congrats again :)
>and was kidding about it already being mounted question,
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