Yeti GOBOX Collection

OK, you won the lottery, first rifle?

I'd contact Winchester and make them a deal that they could not pass up and would start building their Model 70 EWSS, Classic, and Featherweights in 6mm Remington and would have the barrels be 1-9 twist. All of the barrels would be 24" in length and none of that 22" crap so we would get the most out of this amazing cartridge. I'd also get Ruger to do their classy Hawkeye with the nice wood stock in 6mm Remington (once again) and do a special addition Ruger 1B in 6mm Remington. Same with the 280 Remington and 280AI, but the 6mm Remington comes first.

I've flat out given up on Remington and the worsening of their quality control. If they would start making the way they used to I would request the three chambering I mentioned in the Model 700 Classic, the Mountain Rifle, and a stainless synthetic with a B&C or similar stock and not their crappy factory stock.
With that much money I would buy one of each.... seriously though
I'm sure not quite the same but GAP could make you an iteration:

An Actual Sharps in .50, a Henry Lever Action or either a Cooper or Double Broomed Mountain Rifle Full Custom.
On the other side would be a Tavor and a M4A1.

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