Kenetrek Boots

OK, you won the lottery, first rifle?

Bespoke rifle companies often times deal in razor thin profit margins due to high overhead & personnel costs. Adding the increased tooling and manufacturing equipment we'd need to make the P08 Parabellum in 45 ACP as well as creating a Wilson Combat style armory for pistols made from only steel would make that overhead & personnel expenditure very large, and since I'll be almost a billionaire, I'll need this endeavor to operate at a loss for at least a few years in order to hide my purchases of soviet era jets, destroyers & helicopters.

It would be a custom model 70 stainless in 308 with a number 3 fluted barrel in a McMillan featherweight pattern with a jewel trigger.
Then I would be sending the 4” x12”x 7’ piece of black walnut my grandfather cut back in about 1970 off to my friend for as many matching custom .243’s as he can get out of the wood. Hopefully, six. One for me and one for each of my children.
By far the best response.
John Rigby & Co., London Best in 275 Rigby. Grade 11 walnut stock, full scrollwork and white gold inlay. Per the website this rifle would come in just a hair under $110,000. Might as well go all in right?
You beat me to it there, but having never had that sort of money before I would find it hard to part with that much new money, so I would probably look at a Westley Richards, they do have some stunning rifles.
Matched pair of Fausti 24 gauge side by sides with engraving with gold inlay, chambered in 3 inch 28 inch barrels. Then hand load my shells with #8 TSS shot for ducks. Because I could. Then a matched pair of 24 gauge over under for upland.
Bespoke rifle companies often times deal in razor thin profit margins due to high overhead & personnel costs. Adding the increased tooling and manufacturing equipment we'd need to make the P08 Parabellum in 45 ACP as well as creating a Wilson Combat style armory for pistols made from only steel would make that overhead & personnel expenditure very large, and since I'll be almost a billionaire, I'll need this endeavor to operate at a loss for at least a few years in order to hide my purchases of soviet era jets, destroyers & helicopters.

Sounds perfect. I am a CPA and will come in at a very reasonable rate on the accounting and tax side.
I’d shoot for the moon and attempt to talk @shrapnel into selling me his entire collection! I figure the odds of that are about the same as actually finding a rifle in stock at a store right now... Can’t buy what’s not for sale.
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