OK, you won the lottery, first rifle?

Little late to the party here, but I'd start with a brace of British sxs's in 12, 16, and 20 gauge. Then I'd source premium walnut blanks to restock a few family treasures.

Finally I'd pay all the taxes from my winnings and dump 80% of what's left into choice properties across the Rocky Mountain west to unlock as many acres of public as possible. The rest would get creatively invested in regenerative agriculture projects on the newly acquired easements. I envision some sort of conservation/stewardship training and education program for hunters in exchange for land access.
Been thinking about this a lot and just can't come up with what I'd like for a new rifle so though a bit more. I have rifles to cover everything from sage rat's to grizzly bear. Got a 22 RF I seldom use and a 22 Mag I seldom use. Have three AyA shotguns in 16, 28 and 410, two CZ's in 20 and 28 and an Ithica 37 in 16ga, pretty well covered. Rifle I saw yearsago when it first came out is where I'd probably go now. Remington 541S in 22 RF. Geeze that was a nice looking rifle. Who knows, if I had one I might start hunting rabbits again! Love my other 22 RF but it's a mod 62A and open sight's only. Old eyes! I've only got about 20 rifle's handguns and shotguns total and just can't see buying more I don't actually need and probably wouldn't shoot that much but maybe that 541S would do!
Apparently I'm going to be creating a super pac for Montana house elections.
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