PEAX Equipment

Ok. Just for fun. What's the worst broad head you have ever used

Tooth of the arrow. Seems like a good idea on paper. Shot them, they where loud, didn't fly consistently, and became dull super easy.
The vortex 3 blade from the 90s, punch cutters, bear razor heads, rage, 85 gr thunderhead, random Walmart brands. Really too many POS broadheads To pick a definitive king of the turds. All the good options available now would have made my head spin back in the 90s
2 blade rage. Shot a whitetail buck quartering, it glanced off the rib and went through the top of his back. I found him about 2 hours later and finished him off, he had a gash from the middle of his ribs up to the tenderloin. Felt bad for the guy.

I shot a lot of animals with muzzys, they went straight through every time, but the blades sucked to sharpen, so had to replace them. Mostly shoot cut on contact Stingers now, but admittedly haven't archery hunted in 5-6 years now.
Agree with Bambi. The two blade rage is the worst for me. For the amount of damage it does you’d think it would kill a lot faster.
Hey! I loved the Razorback 5...of course I was shooting the aluminum 2216 arrows. Bout the diameter of my middle finger. From a 74 pound Jennings Arrow Star. The broad head punched through the largest buck I've ever taken at 30+ yards and kept going.

After I couldn't find them any more, I went with the Zwiki 4 bladed black diamond. They're still around.

Worse? Wasp with razor inserts. I could never get them perfectly straight. I shot at 2 beautiful bucks and both Wasp tipped arrows went ballistic within 10 yards. They're probably still flying 40 years later.
Trip down memory lane, with the old aluminum Easton's. I always preferred feathers over those new fancy plastic vanes.
Well she was the Preacher's daughter's best friend. My buddy won the coin toss and I took one for the team...

Wait... what's the Q again?
Nap bloodrunners, they flew like a bent paper airplane and everyone of them i shot broke in the foam target. took them back and got a refund. horrible.

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