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Ok. Just for fun. What's the worst broad head you have ever used

The worst i never got a chance to use were from Carbon Express. Can't remember the model name.
Looked good out of the package.
Hunted 1 season with them.
All the rubber bands snapped. Then the screws holding the blades came out.

Fixed blades for me from now on.
Oh, and i'll throw in the G5 as second place.
I had the same problem with carbon express mechanicals I’ll never use them again
I used these satellite broadheads back in the late seventies and early eighties. I did kill several deer and a few elk with them but they would loose one or two blades with each animal shot.View attachment 133974

Anyone have these in 3 blade stainless, I'll trade you for them.
Many elegant answers in search of a nonexistent problem. A couple of examples of BHs which have worked for decades. Just like 6.5x55, 30.06...

G5 Montec was the broadhead on the only arrow I have ever shot a deer with. Stuck right in his shoulder. Recovered the arrow with about 2 inches missing. I won't blame everything on the broadhead because I definitely hadn't done enough work setting up my bow, but now I'm on the whole high foc, heavy arrow, single bevel broadhead train. Looking forward to another chance.
Back when I shot archery, I was using the Muzzy 4blades. I think they were 90gr. Slick tricks came out and they had a bit of a wider cut. I switched to them for a summer. Shot very well and shot close to same point of impact as field points which was a plus, but they whistled in their way to the target like those mini Nerf footballs with the foam tails on them. Switched back to the Muzzy’s.
Back when I shot archery, I was using the Muzzy 4blades. I think they were 90gr. Slick tricks came out and they had a bit of a wider cut. I switched to them for a summer. Shot very well and shot close to same point of impact as field points which was a plus, but they whistled in their way to the target like those mini Nerf footballs with the foam tails on them. Switched back to the Muzzy’s.

Blasphemy...Slick Tricks are not only the greatest fixed broadhead ever made, but they are also responsible for the declaration of independence, the introduction of penicillin to treat bacterial infections, and pushed KFC to use 11 herbs and spices instead of just 10.
Not sure if the lowers are Satellites, the uppers are Savora. See sumptin ya like there yours.View attachment 150714

Hey thanks,

I'm guessing the tops ones might be a Savora product.

And the lower ones look like Rocky Mountain Razors.

I appreciate it.

With today's work sharp sharpeners, those can still be used.
Rage Hypodermics...terrible penetration on some good shots. I was really disappointed in old Muzzy chisels that I shot about 25 years ago, penetration was also terrible, but the bow probably shot all of 150 fps (Hoyt Provantage "Fastflight").
Saw someone shoot a forky buck with a toxic broadhead. It was a joke. Good shot placement but barely killed it.
No broadhead thread is "just for fun"......just saying. It's like talking politics or religion, everyone has their own opinion and it's best kept that way.
I hunted with this kid years ago who told me all about the new rage 3 blade and how sweet they were. Right up to the point I put him on his first so cal deer and he took a uphill quartering to shot on it and the arrow ricocheted off the rib cage only slicing thru the flesh to the ribs. Deer ran 30 yards and his first deer ever became my second deer of the season when I put a fixed blade muzzy right thru it and it only went 10 yards. Lol. We’ve been friends for 15 years now, that buck is on my wall though. Needless to say I never tried those 3 blade rage that were all the rage.
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