PEAX Equipment

Odd Terminology

Ben Sellers

Well-known member
Oct 29, 2018
When did everyone start referring to what equipment the use as running it? Example, “I’ve been running a VX-6 3-18 with Talley rings on my 6.5 Creedmoor.” You’d think hunters all a bunch of Prefontaines the way that’s thrown around on YouTube, Podcast, and even here.

Are there any other odd word choices hunters use that should annoy me?
LOL. I've been wondering the same thing. I wear all my clothes, boots, and what not. What I don't wear I use. Just showing my age, I guess.
Dont forget about "systems"!

Sleep system
Water filtration system
Stove system
Layering system
And so on.......
Running trotlines begot runnin'...
The whole Kit & Kabootle begot kit...
I do not recognize that a runway deal?
I love the oakie millenials & what comes out of their blow holes from under flatbills w/
You guys need to get your head space right and start running the right kit so you can level up, grind hard and give some toads an epic dirtnap.
Overload of broisms!!

I think alot of these buzz words were created by marketing teams when hunting shows really took off 20-25 years ago to attract viewers and were stuck with this epic slang terminology. Also different terminology for different parts of country and with inception of social media we hear these other terms more often. Kind of like "that's a great 8 point" in Pennsylvania and "that's a great 4 point" in idaho.

"I run" is the only one that really bothers me for some reason. The only thing a hunter runs are his/her dogs.
People who are “Influencers” as well. My wife’s company just hired Instagram influencers to promote their products. I guess Big Finn might be an influencer and then, oh crap, what does that make me since I use Leupold everything, onX, goHunt, Gerber, and mystery ranch? Under the influence? Now I can’t drive.
Modern day problems.

For the record, I’ve used Leupold and Gerber since the early 90’s.

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