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Well hopefully a 3rd ticket is the charm, just decided to get an extra ticket after buying two a week or so ago. Even if it is not, I am for helping when I can with conservation efforts albeit mostly from joining groups as a member or raffles. I need to look up boots on the ground efforts near me in West Virginia to help in that way. We don't have BH Sheep here, but other amazing wildlife that God has let us have dominion over. Thanks again for the sweet opportunity.
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Well I guess that makes up my mind on whether to get another ticket or two.... Im suprised they lasted as long as they did.

I will be near grand junction next week, so it only makes sense that my ticket will..... not get pulled!

Good luck everyone!
For those who didn't watch the drawing live, the winner was:

Ticket No. 00290 - Toni Ortega, Colorado

Thank you to everyone that purchased tickets. I hope the raffle remorse isn't too great. Thanks to your support, a pretty spectacular chunk of the San Juan Mountains will no longer have domestic sheep on it.

Congrats to the winner. Three numbers off for me. Great for the sheep.....the native ones.
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No remorse here. The money goes to a good cause and I never actually intended to get picked. Congrats to the winner!! Force him to show us pics of what he/she gets built!!!
For those who didn't watch the drawing live, the winner was:

Ticket No. 00290 - Toni Ortega, Colorado

Thank you to everyone that purchased tickets. I hope the raffle remorse isn't too great. Thanks to your support, a pretty spectacular chunk of the San Juan Mountains will no longer have domestic sheep on it.

View attachment 156145
^ Wow spectacular view. Love these drawing no matter who wins!
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