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Savage 110 ultralight 6.5 CM w accessories.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
110 ultralight with your choice of vx freedom 4-12 or 6-18. Talley 1 piece rings, muzzle brake installed. 50 prepped once fired brass, 50 drop verified developed sub moa loads with 140 berger elite hunters. 100 140 hybrid target bullets and a couple of halfish boxes of factory loads. Rcbs dies, and any extra once fired 6.5 brass I got which I think is between 50-100 pieces. Fired 100 factory loads to break in the barrel and then developed a load and its sat in the safe since. Less than 300 rds for sure. Bought in Octoberish of last year. Couple scratches on the stock from my kids carrying it in deer season but that’s reflected in the price. Will include savage accustock adjustable parts.

1600.00 w everything

1000.00 gun and rings only

preferably to someone local to Montana area, I’m all over the state. Would ship to your FFL dealer but would have to figure out payment as I don’t have PayPal or any of those fancy apps but we can figure that out if we make a deal.

Buy it before I take it to a pawn shop, I need a scope for another prs gun and I’m getting too old to have another “you spent another x000k on hobbies this month” conversation with my wife.

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