PEAX Equipment

Obama executive orders

Sure, everything sounds reasonable on the surface. No one ever said he is dumb. However, these are all so open ended there is no telling what is behind it. 3. "Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system" could be read "blackmail states to divuldge all info on every gun owner to the federal government. 7. "Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign" could be any number of things, all so restrictive it will be impossible to own a gun. The list goes on and on.

Or #3 could mean improve incentives so that records are properly update dor the NICS, such as individuals who are declared mentally unfit to not own a gun but that information doesn't get to the right place. This is exactly what happened with the Virginia Tech shooter.

I don't have any issue with the Executive Orders (still unsure of the motive behind #16, but the other ones I'm ok with). The devil is in the details and I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they are all an attempt to limit our freedoms -- as written, they can all be used to make this country a safer place. "Can" is the operative word...the next step is what's important.
George W. Bush, I gave specific examples in a different thread. guessing you're talking about the patriot act. raised hell about that back then, also. but, that was not done with an executive order, was it?.
Why is the 2nd amendment more important than the 4th? guess I missed where someone says it is?
Look, you guys are starting to sound like the wolf hippies. Last week, these 19 executive orders were going to include SS types grabbing guns. and you continue to sound like a liberal.
Now that they're in print, you're dreaming up other reasons to be scared. glad to know you have no problem with the clown bypassing congress. you know, those people you elected to do what you want them to do. I do have a problem with him going around congress.

If you feel Illinois gun laws are unconstitutional, challenge them. we did. and we won. state has 180 days to pass a CCW law. Or just sit around crying about them, or move to Alaska. I don't know what else to tell you.
think that answers you.
guessing you're talking about the patriot act. raised hell about that back then, also. but, that was not done with an executive order, was it?.

No. His executive orders that allow he and certain officials to declare someone an enemy of state. Once a person, citizen or not, is declared as such they cannot appeal. It cleared the way to legalize torture and allows the CIA to operate inside the US.

and you continue to sound like a liberal.

I believe in our government, and it's system of checks/balances.

glad to know you have no problem with the clown bypassing congress. you know, those people you elected to do what you want them to do. I do have a problem with him going around congress.

It's something that has been done since George Washington was President. GW Bush opened the door for water boarding, which finally allowed the Seals to kill Bin Laden. We can't pick and choose when we want our system to work.

we did. and we won. state has 180 days to pass a CCW law.

Again, the system worked as it should. The legislative branch passed a law, the judiciary system overturned it.

think that answers you.

In many ways.
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Well, he was elected President and he as the authority to issue Executive orders.

We can't pick and choose how we are governed. By living here in the grand old US of A we agree to live with Democracy. Obama was elected President, which gives him the right to draft executive orders. The orders can be, and are, challenged in court. The court system decides if the order is Constitutional or not.

In 4 years, the people will elect another President, and we'll have to live with his/her decisions.

Very close.... just to clarify, We may live WITH democracy, however, that is NOT how we are governed and there is a difference. We live in a "representive republic" NOT a democracy. We elect a president NOT by the number of votes (democracy) but by the electoral college. Presidents have been elected with a lesser popular vote in the past. Once elected the congress passes the laws ond the president has the power to sign or NOT sign the bills into law. The president does NOT have supreme power given to him by the popular vote (a democracy).

good luck to all
the dog
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Just wondering...if someone went through a bout of depression 3 years ago, (say a mother with the baby blues, who mentions it to her OBGYN) would she be denied the right to a firearm today even though her mental health condition is fine and has been fine for 3 years? or Is a veteran mentally unacceptable to have a fire arm because he/she has been to war and killed or saw another human die? If it takes a vet a few weeks to "assimilate" back into normal peaceful live in the good old USA will the vet be denied ever owning a fire arm?
Where do you draw the line?
There are too many holes in Obama's executive orders.
Just wondering...if someone went through a bout of depression 3 years ago, (say a mother with the baby blues, who mentions it to her OBGYN) would she be denied the right to a firearm today even though her mental health condition is fine and has been fine for 3 years? or Is a veteran mentally unacceptable to have a fire arm because he/she has been to war and killed or saw another human die? If it takes a vet a few weeks to "assimilate" back into normal peaceful live in the good old USA will the vet be denied ever owning a fire arm?
Where do you draw the line?
There are too many holes in Obama's executive orders.

We finally have a Winner! John
Very close.... just to clarify, We may live WITH democracy, however, that is NOT how we are governed and there is a difference. We live in a "representive republic" NOT a democracy. We elect a president NOT by the number of votes (democracy) but by the electoral college. Presidents have been elected with a lesser popular vote in the past. Once elected the congress passes the laws ond the president has the power to sign or NOT sign the bills into law. The president does NOT have supreme power given to him by the popular vote (a democracy).

good luck to all
the dog
Thank you for the clarrification. It's a pet peeve of mine that too many folks consider what we have in the US a democracy.
Just wondering...if someone went through a bout of depression 3 years ago, (say a mother with the baby blues, who mentions it to her OBGYN) would she be denied the right to a firearm today even though her mental health condition is fine and has been fine for 3 years? or Is a veteran mentally unacceptable to have a fire arm because he/she has been to war and killed or saw another human die? If it takes a vet a few weeks to "assimilate" back into normal peaceful live in the good old USA will the vet be denied ever owning a fire arm?
Where do you draw the line?
There are too many holes in Obama's executive orders.

That has been a major concern from me too, but I believe it has been the NRA pushing for this:

I'm pretty sure there was something about the lack of correlation between mental health and violent crime in the President's address but could be wrong. Hopefully the threshold for being in any database will be very high.
"direct the attorney general to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks."


This is the same guy who was in charge of operation fast and furious in which they allowed "dangerous people" to slip through the cracks and out of the country to kill Mexican citizens and our own border patrol officer.
Very close.... just to clarify, We may live WITH democracy, however, that is NOT how we are governed and there is a difference. We live in a "representive republic" NOT a democracy. We elect a president NOT by the number of votes (democracy) but by the electoral college. Presidents have been elected with a lesser popular vote in the past. Once elected the congress passes the laws ond the president has the power to sign or NOT sign the bills into law. The president does NOT have supreme power given to him by the popular vote (a democracy).

good luck to all
the dog

Actually, we have a constitutional republic. Republics by their very nature are representative.
I asked my liberal wife if she would tell her doctor if we had guns in the house. She said "no, that is none of their business". I am just sure gun owners will disclose every detail about their guns to some nurse. Not going to happen. Same with my insurance agent. He is asking me to let them put a chip in our cars that tells them how fast we drive, acceleration and braking details and we could get a discount. Told him to ram that one in a dark place.
Do u trust the prez?

Oh my word! What are we going to do with all these things! Curse you Obama! All seem reseaonable to me.

A better background check could be used, but nothing else obummer says is trustworthy. When he smiles and says he is not after our guns, I sure dont trust him, or the govt in general.. First is registration, then confiscation..If we dont stick together, we are in trouble for sure, Take a better look at him and biden before u agree with them being trustworthy. Any fees we pay for more inspections will be used to buy them more votes.. The electric chair would stop a lot of crime. Hunting is not mentioned in the 2nd amendment, it concerns a free state,and a warning of tyranny.
Good luck
Any fees we pay for more inspections will be used to buy them more votes.. Add another beuracratic layer beholden to the naked emporer. So to speak....
How can mental health patients be screened if doctors aren't involved?

How is someone deemed to be crazy, before they go on a shooting spree?

Does anyone have a solution to prevent mass shootings, that doesn't require more legislation?
How can mental health patients be screened if doctors aren't involved?

How is someone deemed to be crazy, before they go on a shooting spree?

Does anyone have a solution to prevent mass shootings, that doesn't require more legislation?

I do. Its called honor, integrity, and respect for others, pretty simple concept. If more people acted with those virtues instead of as selfish pricks, we would be far better off as a society.

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