Yeti GOBOX Collection

Obama executive orders

Oh my word! What are we going to do with all these things! Curse you Obama! All seem reseaonable to me.
over-reacting? really? glad you are happy with what he is doing. bypassing congress and ignoring what the people want. why do we vote for these people if this guy is going to ignore them. aren't they the voice of the people that elected them?

"Bowing to political reality, Obama’s proposals included a wave of executive actions that circumvent Congress,"

and before you come up with that crap of others have done it, who was the last president that bypassed congress on something this important? do you really want this clown telling you what you can and can not own as far as guns? before you answer, maybe you should look at the state he came from and see what their gun laws are like. one quickie for you, we do not have a CCW yet.

TLC, you are right, I have never seen such messed up gun laws. . .Illinois gun laws are crazy!! I don't know "who" elected him. . .it wasn't me though. . . (he's got nothing to lose, he knows his time in office will end in 4yrs. . .what does he care)
Oh my word! What are we going to do with all these things! Curse you Obama! All seem reseaonable to me.

Reasonable, until you are denied health insurance because your medical records say you are a gun owner and by owning guns you have now become an unreasonable risk to the system.

They won't ban guns outright, but they will sure try their hardest to make people give them up by backdoor regulations. The scenario I outlined above will happen someday if we stay on the current course.
Oh my word! What are we going to do with all these things! Curse you Obama! All seem reseaonable to me.

so mudranger, you have no problem with this butt clown bypassing the people you elected to represent you? if not, why did you vote for them?
Reasonable, until you are denied health insurance because your medical records say you are a gun owner and by owning guns you have now become an unreasonable risk to the system.

They won't ban guns outright, but they will sure try their hardest to make people give them up by backdoor regulations. The scenario I outlined above will happen someday if we stay on the current course.

How do you people come up with this B.S.
How do you people come up with this B.S.

from people who have been thru it. guess that means it's not BS?

"3rd question out of the mouth of the State Farm agent's mouth was do you own any guns? I said yes and she packed up and left...I called the office and asked what the deal was..seems that in CT if you own them and they know it, they will not insure you home, auto or life..All State wanted another 2K for a rider policy for the guns and 6k for my watch collection..told them to walk away..."

no answer to my question?
It happens... For instituted something in this list of 23 Nope they all seem pretty damn common sense to me. Now if there was something so radical that it would cause people to have a concern then It would go to court and be challenged just like stated above. If you want to change the presidents powers figure out a way and ill vote for it...if it is reasonable to me. I agree in short, that a group of people coming together would be a better proposition but look at that group of idiots(that was elected by the people)that can't agree on anything and mainly just because they have different party affiliations not because they actually disagree all that much
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from people who have been thru it. guess that means it's not BS?

"3rd question out of the mouth of the State Farm agent's mouth was do you own any guns? I said yes and she packed up and left...I called the office and asked what the deal was..seems that in CT if you own them and they know it, they will not insure you home, auto or life..All State wanted another 2K for a rider policy for the guns and 6k for my watch collection..told them to walk away..."

no answer to my question?

So your saying your watches cost you more than the guns that could actually be used to cause harm in your house.....hmmmm sounds right to me. You are paying for their risk
from people who have been thru it. guess that means it's not BS?

"3rd question out of the mouth of the State Farm agent's mouth was do you own any guns? I said yes and she packed up and left...I called the office and asked what the deal was..seems that in CT if you own them and they know it, they will not insure you home, auto or life..All State wanted another 2K for a rider policy for the guns and 6k for my watch collection..told them to walk away..."

no answer to my question?

Wouldn't owning a gun be a "pre-existing condition" under the health care law though?

Pools, trampolines, designated fire zones, german shepards, rotweilers, and pit-bulls are also reasons you are denied insurance.

Sometimes you just have to shop around. Allstate and State Farm wouldn't cover my house because it was in a high risk fire area...but State Farm did not. This is not to say I don't have concerns about this, but insurance companies are always looking for ways to mitigate risks...rightfully or wrongfully.
Sure, everything sounds reasonable on the surface. No one ever said he is dumb. However, these are all so open ended there is no telling what is behind it. 3. "Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system" could be read "blackmail states to divuldge all info on every gun owner to the federal government. 7. "Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign" could be any number of things, all so restrictive it will be impossible to own a gun. The list goes on and on.
Well I'm not into the conspiracy theories so you'll have to talk to someone else with that
So your saying your watches cost you more than the guns that could actually be used to cause harm in your house.....hmmmm sounds right to me. You are paying for their risk

not about me. this is from a friend. don't live in ct. and still no answer?

"so mudranger, you have no problem with this butt clown bypassing the people you elected to represent you? if not, why did you vote for them?"

and as usual, will have to explain this. not argueing whether or not the things are good or bad. the point that should upset you, and everyone else, is that he is bypassing the people that you elected to represent you. pretty sure that means he is forcing his personal agenda on us. that is NOT representing the american people.

wonder if the people protecting nobamas SS agents will go to guns that hold less than 10 rounds? wonder if the people protecting his daughters at their school, will change their magazines to hold fewer rounds? so much hypocricy.
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I was very afraid of what this was going to have in it and I have to say that there isn't anything in there that frightens me. Just more smoke and mirrors from this administration with this "feel good" order. I think they know they can't win this fight, not saying they still won't try but it surely would be a waste of time right now. Seems like there was something else that was really important going on...OH YEAH! THE ECONOMY IS STILL IN THE TANK AND WE ARE OOZING BILLIONS JUST IN INTEREST ALONE! Maybe we should fix that!!!
The EOs he signed concerning existing laws are redundant. The BATFE appointment circumvents the Congressional approval process. The CDC involvement is allowing them jurisdiction in matters outside of their charter. The one about the AHB is in direct contradiction to his own law that was rammed down our throats. So other than violating Constitutional law with those three instances, the other 20 were basically within the parameters of existing proposals by the NRA, and laws that are already on the books!!!!!!

Let's also not overlook the fact that he used little kids as a selling point. Ever see the poster of Hitler surrounded by children and his proclamation about protecting the future, straight from the NAZI propaganda machine???????????
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not about me. this is from a friend. don't live in ct. and still no answer?

"so mudranger, you have no problem with this butt clown bypassing the people you elected to represent you? if not, why did you vote for them?"

and as usual, will have to explain this. not argueing whether or not the things are good or bad. the point that should upset you, and everyone else, is that he is bypassing the people that you elected to represent you. pretty sure that means he is forcing his personal agenda on us. that is NOT representing the american people.

wonder if the people protecting nobamas SS agents will go to guns that hold less than 10 rounds? wonder if the people protecting his daughters at their school, will change their magazines to hold fewer rounds? so much hypocricy.
I'm pretty sure I gave my opinion on both of those situations
over-reacting? really? glad you are happy with what he is doing. bypassing congress and ignoring what the people want. why do we vote for these people if this guy is going to ignore them. aren't they the voice of the people that elected them?

"Bowing to political reality, Obama’s proposals included a wave of executive actions that circumvent Congress,"

and before you come up with that crap of others have done it, who was the last president that bypassed congress on something this important? do you really want this clown telling you what you can and can not own as far as guns? before you answer, maybe you should look at the state he came from and see what their gun laws are like. one quickie for you, we do not have a CCW yet.

George W. Bush, I gave specific examples in a different thread.

Why is the 2nd amendment more important than the 4th?

Look, you guys are starting to sound like the wolf hippies. Last week, these 19 executive orders were going to include SS types grabbing guns.

Now that they're in print, you're dreaming up other reasons to be scared.

If you feel Illinois gun laws are unconstitutional, challenge them. Or just sit around crying about them, or move to Alaska. I don't know what else to tell you.
Reasonable, until you are denied health insurance because your medical records say you are a gun owner and by owning guns you have now become an unreasonable risk to the system.

They won't ban guns outright, but they will sure try their hardest to make people give them up by backdoor regulations. The scenario I outlined above will happen someday if we stay on the current course.

But you can't be denied insurance beginning in 2014 because of Obamacare :rolleyes:. Weimar Republic, here we come.

BTW, I fully think they will find a backdoor method. Ammunition or the NFA registery are two plausible scenario.
Straight From A Section of Obamacare


‘‘(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.— A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to—

‘‘(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully- possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or

‘‘(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.

(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any in- formation relating to—

‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;

‘‘(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or

‘‘(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.

‘‘(3) LIMITATION ON DATABASES OR DATA BANKS.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used to maintain records of individual ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.

does anyone believe that the background checks won't be kept on record? will that void obamacare?
"Direct the attorney general to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks."

This one kind of worries me. This is the same government that labeled returning veterans as possible terror risks. I'm not sure I want them determining who will be flaged on a background check.
"Direct the attorney general to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks."

This one kind of worries me. This is the same government that labeled returning veterans as possible terror risks. I'm not sure I want them determining who will be flaged on a background check.
Yeah, who's going to define dangerous.