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NY Times - sale of public lands piece

Of course you are right Richard. As some friends and I were discussing this very issue at lunch at the Petroleum Club there are always more in common with sportsmen than things to pull us apart. John
I cannot believe how sensitive Eastern Tenderfoots are. Is there such a term as “Metro-sexual Eastern Tenderfoot?
I always thought there were two types of people. Those people living in the west and those that wished they lived in the west.

But I have to agree, it is nice to see a Metro Sexual/Eastern Tenderfoot write an article about the importance of public lands, goes to show how loony the candidate's views really are.

How come Texas Tom hasn’t piped in?
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I cannot believe how sensitive Eastern Tenderfoots are. Is there such a term as “Metro-sexual Eastern Tenderfoot?
To quote Garfield, "I resemble that remark!". Stuffing 280+# of man into a pair of Banana Republic jeans isn't a task for the weak...
As much as I would like to claim him as an easterner, Egan is from Seattle and if you haven't ready his book "The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire that Saved America" you're really missing out.
I always thought there were two types of people. Those people living in the west and those that wished they lived in the west.

Dink, the fact of the matter is that I called Colorado home for 15 years; I enjoyed my stay very much, married a Denver girl, and still go back quite regularly. My reasons for leaving to go back to my ancestral home were varied and many, but some of the biggies are: little emphasis on higher education in Colorado, transient people who followed the job market and always seemed to be moving in from Houston or Detroit or Chicago, or moving back to Houston or Detroit or Chicago. Many of the residents had a vaguely insincere way about them, almost totally phoney, were no good for their word and all seemed anxious to screw you out of what they could or steal it if necessary. Many had been totally and irreparably Californicated, and when the air pollution got so bad that I couldn't see downtown from nine miles away while living on a ridge, I decided it time to go back to a more civil and pleasant part of the country where the people take pride in themselves, their past and have great hope for their futures.

Don't read me wrong, there are some great people in the West, many of them the salt of the earth, but many of them aren't long there and quite a few of those came from the East. As far as everyone wanting to go to the West don't kid yourself; there aren't that many tax dodgers, skin heads, Unabombers and antigovernment kooks back this way, and the vast majority of us are quite happy here or there wouldn't be so many of us, so you guys just brew up some Celestial Seasonings, open up a can of Dinty Moore stew, and don't worry too much about us Eastern Tenderfoots (feet?); we're not about to let them sell Jose's Public Land.
That was the problem; you lived on the Deranged Front Range, which we in actual Colorado don't really claim. It is actually another section of Kansas. You should have tried to live on the Best Slope:D

The main problem with Colorado is the women are so prim and proper...........Iowa now there is place with loose women with loose morals. Nuthin but nutz and slutz from Iowa:hump::eek:
That was the problem; you lived on the Deranged Front Range, which we in actual Colorado don't really claim.

I did make an attempt to transfer to Junction and tried to get to Buena Vista, but no open territories. About ten years after moving back to NC I had a chance to xfer back to Denver with a $10K moving allowance kicked in, but when I posed the question to my Denver bride her response was; "I don't care if I never see another damned flake of snow!", so there you are, another convert to the sunny South. I've even tried to con her to move to Trinidad since retiring, her family's home area, but it's a no go. My argument was that Trinidad had cheap housing, a Safeway, a K-mart, a hospital where they perform sex changes (that might be of interest to you), a nice lake, a golf course, a couple of nice museums, a small airport, lots of hunting and fishing nearby, and about that time she figured out that I was wanting to move for me, and her wishes and interests be damned, so that was the end of that conversation. Since then all the cheap housing has been bought up by Texans and I'm sure there's a Wal-mart there now, so it's probably all messed up.
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