NY Times - sale of public lands piece

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
The author gives credit to hunters for building the public estate. Gives credit to a Republican for being the tireless advocate for public lands where "all citizens can enjoy the sturdy pleasure of the chase, whether he is, or is not, a man of means."


I really thought this was a "fly over" issue that no one on the coasts really cared about. Nice to see it getting some attention in the places I would least expect it.
Pretty suprised to see something like that from Eastern US.

Must be a slow night to read the NY Times. I know I'm home on a saturday night.
Good Deal! Let the Candidates know what the country feels about the Public lands. BTW, The Eastern United States has quite a bit of National Forest open to all. It's not just a Western Issue, if I were to want to make money by selling NF lands which would go first? The areas nearest the populated areas that would be sold off for development would be my guess, can you say Eastern States Public Lands. John
All I can say is "wow", I realy didnt/wouldnt expect that from an Easterner.

Good read
Really? I didn't realize that provincialism was so pervasive here...

A very good article and one that will elicit a lot of response, especially with it's, IMO a bit misleading, slant towards National Parks. Though, that is the perfect way to defend against this issue.
Pretty suprised to see something like that from Eastern US.

I can only wonder what some of you must think or imagine goes through the heads and comprise the values of "easterners". Has it never occurred to you that we are just people whose origins and residences happen to be in this half of the country, that we are here due to preference, family ties or economic necessity? Would you think any different of us if we all pulled stakes and moved to Montana to the man? Don't you think it possible that because we have so little of it, that we can cherish our public lands just as much as a westerner if not more so, without doing so for selfish reasons as a place to hunt, fish and recreate in our back yards, but just because we know it's there?

Before painting everyone in the East, the South, the Midwest or Texas with the same brush time and time again, stop and reflect where your people most likely migrated from, and just consider for a moment that our mindset probably isn't that much different than yours on most points of life.

This rant isn't directed at anyone in particular, but a group of people who should be reading a National Geographic instead of watching Swamp People for the grist used in formulating impressions of other groups.
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Did I use that wrong??? :confused:

Or are you just an "all hat, no cattle" Texan that doesn't understand what we in the Middle West are all about? :D
Dang, didn't know so many guys would get on edge with making a reference to a current political topic showing up in the biggest rag in the country. Especially a topic usually not talked about in the urban areas of the coasts, specifically NYC or the Beltway.

My point of bringing it up is that the NY Times is one I scan online each day, and they are not that often concerned with topics such as this.

I hope selling public lands becomes a topic similar to gun control. Where politcians have to get sized for an asshat every once in a while, then finally all sides realize that it is not a topic worth whispering, let alone talking about.
Dang, didn't know so many guys would get on edge with making a reference to a current political topic showing up in the biggest rag in the country. Especially a topic usually not talked about in the urban areas of the coasts, specifically NYC or the Beltway.

My point of bringing it up is that the NY Times is one I scan online each day, and they are not that often concerned with topics such as this.

I hope selling public lands becomes a topic similar to gun control. Where politcians have to get sized for an asshat every once in a while, then finally all sides realize that it is not a topic worth whispering, let alone talking about.
I for one think that is one thing nearly everyone on this board would support, regardless of where they call home. I know I do. Only speaking for myself, but my comments were provided in mock surprise to the reference that those not from a 'western' state would know anything or care about this issue. It's all good and in fun, except that NHY has a big hat... :p
I for one think that is one thing nearly everyone on this board would support, regardless of where they call home. I know I do. Only speaking for myself, but my comments were provided in mock surprise to the reference that those not from a 'western' state would know anything or care about this issue. It's all good and in fun, except that NHY has a big hat... :p

Not so sure about that.

The other thread has the comments from the Southerner who supports Rep. Rodney Alexander R-La, a long-time supporter of selling My Public Lands, and Mitt Romney.
Not so sure about that.

The other thread has the comments from the Southerner who supports Rep. Rodney Alexander R-La, a long-time supporter of selling My Public Lands, and Mitt Romney.
Was that the thread you stepped on your keyboard in trying to disparrage Rep. Alexander's support of a bill to end the Conservation Stewardship Program? :p :D If not I'll get back to reading more and typing less. As an aside, there are some add-ons to the appropiations act that I'm sure your friends in Boise and Hailey are interested in... :rolleyes:

NHY- I don't know if your right, but I wish he'd stalk me some so I'll type it as a 'litmus test'; Petroleum Club...
Who me? I got a stalker, wow that sounds exciting......

Well, crap a Chubby Cheeked Geek.......never mind! John
I can only wonder what some of you must think or imagine goes through the heads and comprise the values of "easterners". Has it never occurred to you that we are just people whose origins and residences happen to be in this half of the country, that we are here due to preference, family ties or economic necessity? Would you think any different of us if we all pulled stakes and moved to Montana to the man? Don't you think it possible that because we have so little of it, that we can cherish our public lands just as much as a westerner if not more so, without doing so for selfish reasons as a place to hunt, fish and recreate in our back yards, but just because we know it's there?

Before painting everyone in the East, the South, the Midwest or Texas with the same brush time and time again, stop and reflect where your people most likely migrated from, and just consider for a moment that our mindset probably isn't that much different than yours on most points of life.

This rant isn't directed at anyone in particular, but a group of people who should be reading a National Geographic instead of watching Swamp People for the grist used in formulating impressions of other groups.

Very well said Tarheel, as a way out east easterner it has become clear to me the perceived differences between west and east, thats a pity.
I wasn't aware this divide existed until i joined this forum.
Although there are differences politically in the UK, there is one thing we all stand together on, hunting and fishing, whether we are English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish.
Remember divided we fall.

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