NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

Guide was the one telling me not to shoot! They don't want to kill a small ram with this tag.

I saw a few that were "pretty" that I would have gladly killed. They have no problem hunting this until the end.

If you need a guide in NV these boys hustle!
At the end of the day the tag does belong to you and you've paid the guide a lot of $$. A ram that you are happy with should be all he is concerned with.
I assume his services cost the same for a small ram or a big ram.
Hopefully you'll get the chance to take a ram to be proud of.
Sounds like a great experience so far. I know you'll get a ram that you'll be proud of soon.
At the end of the day the tag does belong to you and you've paid the guide a lot of $$. A ram that you are happy with should be all he is concerned with.
I assume his services cost the same for a small ram or a big ram.
Hopefully you'll get the chance to take a ram to be proud of.
He is trying to encourage me to not just shoot anything and that we still have time to find a solid ram.

I could have shot if I really wanted to. The guides are willing to keep looking all the way to the end and are confident they will find something.

I don't want it to sound like they are saying I wasn't allowed to. They just don't want me to shoot something I may regret.

I've only done a couple of guided hunts and these guys have been top notch.
I don't want it to sound like they are saying I wasn't allowed to. They just don't want me to shoot something I may regret.
That is an great sign of a good outfitter/guide right there. So glad you found such a great partner to help and enjoy this hunt with you. I hope at the end of this you are willing to share who this is because there aren't many top notch outfits out there and they deserve the recognition.
He is trying to encourage me to not just shoot anything and that we still have time to find a solid ram.

I could have shot if I really wanted to. The guides are willing to keep looking all the way to the end and are confident they will find something.

I don't want it to sound like they are saying I wasn't allowed to. They just don't want me to shoot something I may regret.

I've only done a couple of guided hunts and these guys have been top notch.
I'm an old guy and I've been very lucky and blessed to take a grand slam of NA sheep. My desert ram scores 172 and is far and away my biggest, but I don't look at any of the rest of my ram mounts with any regrets. They are all cherished. Special draw tags put lots of undue pressure on everyone, including the guide/outfitter, but given my hindsight perspective, I just hope you enjoy the rest of the journey. You seem like a good dude robie. I wish you and your guides well in finding a ram you can enjoy like I do mine.
He is trying to encourage me to not just shoot anything and that we still have time to find a solid ram.

I could have shot if I really wanted to. The guides are willing to keep looking all the way to the end and are confident they will find something.

I don't want it to sound like they are saying I wasn't allowed to. They just don't want me to shoot something I may regret.

I've only done a couple of guided hunts and these guys have been top notch.
Well did you go back?
Thank you for all the positive feedback. We were waiting for most of the hunters to clear out. I really enjoy having the place just to ourselves.

I'm headed back next week! They are finding a few nice 160s rams. I'm ready to be in the mountains looking at sheep!
Is it though?
Any ram you like the look of is a trophy.

I'm forever in the camp that sheep scores are for guides and those that can hunt them often. My ideal ram has age and lamb tips. That is hard to find but I had to see a lot to learn it.

I passed on a stud ram that we guessed at 170 and if they had him at 175 we would have hammered. 5" across 10 measurements means nothing. But I had to go through this process to understand that.

I also don't understand the guys that only hunt 3 days and shoot a 130-140" ram. If you hunt 10 - days and that is all your unit has, go get one.
Thank you for all the positive feedback. We were waiting for most of the hunters to clear out. I really enjoy having the place just to ourselves.

I'm headed back next week! They are finding a few nice 160s rams. I'm ready to be in the mountains looking at sheep!
Time chasing sheep is where it's at, have fun!
This is the most ridiculous statement made on this web site. I’m guessing your last name is Boddington?
I don’t even know who Boddington is but if you’d have read the entire thread (or maybe ask someone to read it to you if that’d make it easier) you’d assign some context to my comment. The dude was super frustrated after his initial hunt looking for a monster. And, yes, any legal ram is a trophy that’s just a fact, probably .1% of the population will ever have an opportunity to even hunt sheep.
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I don’t even know who Boddington is but if you’d have read the entire thread (or maybe ask someone to read it to you if that’d make it easier) you’d assign some context to my comment. The dude was super frustrated after his initial hunt looking for a monster. And, yes, any legal ram is a trophy that’s just a fact, probably .1% of the population will ever have an opportunity to even hunt sheep.
Couldn’t find the words “super frustrated” used in any sentence in this thread except by you, nor could I come to that conclusion by reading any of the story.
For the record: No, any legal ram is not a trophy, regardless of how hard (or easy) the tag is to draw.
Couldn’t find the words “super frustrated” used in any sentence in this thread except by you, nor could I come to that conclusion by reading any of the story.
For the record: No, any legal ram is not a trophy, regardless of how hard (or easy) the tag is to draw.
According to you...thanks for speaking for everyone else.

Believe it or not, people tend to hunt for different reasons.
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