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NRA On The Hot Seat - Exposed or Attacked?

I can pass on supporting Teds “hunting” as well....if you consider shooting farm animals in enclosures hunting.
Only Hunt Talk could take us from a NewYorker article to baby Ben in a toilet to Ted Nugent .

I read this article yesterday. Thought it was a pretty good synopsis of all the players and issues that have developed over time - albeit a slanted take on the whole thing.

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What I dont understand is how so many people are surprised by this. I am a life member of the NRA and when my dad got me that life membership when I was younger he explained to me that this organization does a lot of good works for our gun rights and i mean a lot! But as with most organizations there will be times of struggle because of corrupt people in high positions of power and in those times remember the true purpose of the organization and all the behind the scenes people that truly have good intent and work hard volunteering or being paid to help defend our second amendment rights.

Point being very few things in this world are without corruption whether you are informed of it or not it's happening and sometimes you gotta hold your nose while taking the good with the bad. It's sad that this is the way of the world, but the sooner a person can get a grasp on this concept the better off they will be.
Hilljackoutlaw, what you say may be true to some extent, but even so, there are degrees of corruption and, for many, it can and has reached a point where too much is too much.

I'm a member. And I'm sorely disappointed (to put it mildly) with how incredibly miserly the NRA has been with respect to supporting its original mission, which was to support, encourage, and govern competitive shooting. I could fill Big Fin's entire server with tales of how competitive shooting has been absolutely devastated by the indifference and then outright dismantling of the USA's premier competitive shooting organization.
Hilljackoutlaw, what you say may be true to some extent, but even so, there are degrees of corruption andD, for many, it can and has reached a point where too much is too much.

I'm a member. And I'm sorely disappointed (to put it mildly) with how incredibly miserly the NRA has been with respect to supporting its original mission, which was to support, encourage, and govern competitive shooting. I could fill Big Fin's entire server with tales of how competitive shooting has been absolutely devastated by the indifference and then outright dismantling of the USA's premier competitive shooting organization.
I agree BrentD. I'm very appalled by this whole travesty. I'm just not surprised by it in the least. If I wasn't a lifer member I would probably not renew my membership. They definitely are not receiving any donations from me at the moment.
Like you said Nameless Range, it certainly stinks of a typical Rolling Stones article though articulates the pointed portions if one's inclined to parse through the slanted garbage.

There is some serious conflict of interest rolling around contributions with the Ackerman McQueen PR firm and the lead legal firm Brewer, etc... Mix that with the Oliver North milking of $, etc... for the AM created TV series starring Oli North...

Within the suit by NRA v AM;
The lawsuit also complains that NRATV strayed into “topics far afield of the Second Amendment,” claiming AMc had “deviated from the NRA’s core mission and values.”

I found this next Cuomo quote humorous as all hell!!! Haha! Anyone that believes this, I would love to rake your $ away at a poker game! Might as well show your cards and try bluffing! 😂
Governor Cuomo weighed in too, insisting that: “The President’s accusation that it is politically motivated is all garbage.”

I agree with Trump's comments related to NRA getting their ass back in gear. Many organizations, those that proclaim their opposition towards law abiding Americans, "Bill of Rights" are salivating...

Even from the same group of Democrats astonished their queen Clinton lost to a TV reality celebrity host, that led to such a barbarian as Trump as the leader of the greatest nation in the world... These Democrats must believe Adolf Hitler is a historical figure from the 16th century, not their father and mother, grandfather and grandmother who recently fought against this Holocaust driven despot.
Small little groups here and there have no chance fighting against the Democrat drivers who believe our bill of Rights are outdated and, "Shall Not Be Infringed" means to infringe upon...

This is a great opportunity, as members of the National Rifle Association, to collectively write letters expressing concern over the allegations, interest to push for internal extermination of the crap that's seeped in, rebuild those areas, strengthen our fort and re-focus on our law abiding American protections. A true time to support the NRA when working through this internal review. $ donation not abandon such a valuable organization, actually, IMHO, one of the leading groups adamantly protecting our Bill of Rights, and not for the sake of hunting...

Simple two coppers shared and all respect for opposing opinions. 😉
Styles, in order to have a internal extermination you would have to have good people in the place of power to do it. If they are all on the take, they can just make smoke screen moves and continue mission.
I think the most telling thing about this is the lack of outrage by the general membership. That is all the Validation that the organizations leadership needed to illustrate that have been making the correct marketing decisions all along. Expect it all to blow over and more of the same will ensue for the future.
Who's the demon? Wheres the new Dana Loesch video with her banging a ruler in her hand? Send out more truck stickers and hats.
If you truly believe NRA is a savior of the Bill of Rights and the primary reason your guns have not been "grabbed", then I adamantly defend your right to send your money to such an organization (even as corrupt as it is shown to be) where you think it does most good. However, it is difficult for me to believe that perceived end is justified by the smelly unethical means perpetrated by the likes of LaPierre and others, who IMO have lost the moral compass in furthering their cause.
If you truly believe NRA is a savior of the Bill of Rights and the primary reason your guns have not been "grabbed", then I adamantly defend your right to send your money to such an organization (even as corrupt as it is shown to be) where you think it does most good. However, it is difficult for me to believe that perceived end is justified by the smelly unethical means perpetrated by the likes of LaPierre and others, who IMO have lost the moral compass in furthering their cause. have their political opponents.
More of the "gun grabber" money-grabbing myth. If you are opposed to background checks, love your bump stocks, and get off on firearms which heretofore were employed primarily by military forces ... then, yes, you do have legitimate concerns. It may be time to rally your new lobby group to generate wealthy executives and wine & dine the DC swamp.
Bolt actions were military guns at one time. Does that make them bad?
Bolt actions were military guns at one time. Does that make them bad?
Red herring question, but I will respond. No ... and you are well aware that is not the military firearm configuration to which I alluded. (BTW, as a hunter/firearms owner for well over five decades and a US Army guy for three decades. Having pulled the trigger on everything from an Army 38 revolver to the main gun of an M1 Abrams main battle tank, my opinion is no more valid than yours ... but it does come from solid context.)
See that's where I differ. In my opinion, Ted is an @ss. I genuinely hope at some time in my life I get to see him fade completely away from the 2A, hunting, and outdoor industry. If I choose to not give my hard earned money to USCCA because they paid Ted to endorse them, it's because I'm voting with my dollar. My wife and I also give monthly to several other 501(c)3 charities that deal with causes we feel strongly about... but... BUT... if any of them paid money (which hypothetically could be my $1) to that pant soiling, draft dodging, POACHER, they would not see a single dime from me ever again. I've been a member of RMEF since I was 8... that's 32 years of support over some years where $35 wasn't an expenditure coming out of petty cash... it meant something. If RMEF put him on their board, or sponsored his TV show, or whatever, good bye RMEF membership.

The statements about not supporting hunting because hunting is endorsed by Ted is a logical fallacy in my mind. Hunting isn't an organization. Hunting is a big ol general term. I don't have any clue what kind of arrows he shoots, but if he's on someones payroll for that endorsement, I'm out. I'm not stopping buying gas because someone I don't care for buys the same gas, I'm choosing to vote with my dollars and buy the same product (gas) from someone else. Chevron/Shell/BP doesn't matter... my truck burns it just the same.

That's just my humble opinion though. More often than not, I'm wrong. The older I get, the smarter I used to be.

Thank you Backgrounder for your reply. We can respectfully agree to disagree and see it differently on this subject. You have some good points and you are certainly entitled to support whom ever you see fit and thank you for the support that you provide that helps us all. When we come across things we don't like, the human mind has a way of rationalizing things that are unpleasant so we can cope with it. I will always support the rights of others to have their opinion and do what they feel is right. As long as it is not illegal, unethical, or immoral.

I did a little research on USCCA and I can't find anywhere that they paid for, or that Ted has officially/legitimately endorsed them. Do you have some sort of proof that this is the case? He has done a few interviews where he has recommended them because of their good work. I think that the quote I posted was more of a recommendation and not an endorsement. There are probably many things that he has recommended that you may use or participate in. I also don't know, mostly because I didn't follow him or his music, if he is in fact a draft dodger and poacher. I'm not defending Ted, I'm just saying I don't know if that is true. I do know he supports the troops, veterans, and law enforcement. Things that are believed to be true, sometimes are not. I do know he was a good friends with Fred Bear and according to Ted, hunted with him a time or two. He also wrote a song about Fred when he passed away. The song is a bit long and hard to follow. Just for the record, I don't support, follow, like, defend, or care about Ted Nugent. I don't know him, hunt with him, or do bar-b-ques with him. As with everyone until they wrong me, I try to give the benefit of the doubt and not hate people because they have a difference of opinion.
The Better Business Bureau seems to have good reviews on the USCCA. I can't find anything negative except for when the NRA dis-invited them to the convention in 2017 I think. The USCCA stated at the time they were disappointed but would continue to support the NRA in their efforts to defend the 2nd amendment. I'm sure, until I have proof otherwise that the USCCA is a reparable organization.

I don't want to distarct from the real intent of this tread. This might be more suited for a different post.
Have you ever wondered about the internal, and unavoidable, conflict of interest for the NRA? Since it has become a 2A-only organization (and I me that pragmatically), you have to wonder how successful they want to be. If they ever accomplish their goal, then they are out of business. Like gun makers, I'm sure Obama did more for NRA membership than Trump will ever do.

Meanwhile, their charter mission was to be the lead organization for shoot sports in this country. Now, their budget for shooting sports would not keep La Pierre in neckties and jackets. Seriously.
Cuomo and New Yorks Dems smell blood and are on the attack!!!
Have you ever wondered about the internal, and unavoidable, conflict of interest for the NRA? Since it has become a 2A-only organization (and I me that pragmatically), you have to wonder how successful they want to be. If they ever accomplish their goal, then they are out of business. Like gun makers, I'm sure Obama did more for NRA membership than Trump will ever do.
That's where I would see them shifting from legal protection to hunters safety, firearms courses, more shooting competitions. Not that they don't do those now, but that could be the focus.
Intended for those reading this thread and curious how much the National Rifle Association does for Americans.

Never have given a dime to the NRA and never will. They are a dirty, corrupt, organization and they won’t be getting my support. Too many blindly follow what they perceive as their savior like sheep. The NRA falls into this category in spades. The NRA could do something/support something terrible and those same blind followers would continue to yell.....”but they’re the reason I get to keep my guns”......sure.....sure.

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