Where do you sign up???
That looks good enough to eat!!
Of course, they always look good on paper, or the menus....
Who needs a diet? NOT ME..
Just don't ask the wife...
It always cracked me up about people who complain that these fast food places dont serve healthy meals, however they will get in there car and go out of there way to get to one. when they could just make something healthy at home. DUH
Hell i have to at least try one..I`ve already had the 6 dollar burger from Carls its very tasty...but i don`t think we have any hardies around here ..oh well heading for vegas in about 1 hour.. if i see a hardies i`m trying one..mmmm.
cjcj.. I think that Carls and Hardee's are the same. I know in Australia they call Burger King, Hunry Jacks. Think it is the same with Carls and Hardee's. Good luck!
That burgar actully looks pretty good. Eat that for breakfast and you'll be good all day...LOL LOL LOL. But then again if you do eat that burgar for breafast you'll be in hte hospital for the rest of the day with cheast pain and shortnes of breath...looks good though.
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