Now That I'm a Big TV Star...

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
Ya, I'm about as much of a TV star as Hillary is an honest politician. Well Fox Pro was finally able to release the coyote hunting show I was in on YouTube. The Outdoor Chanel ran it for the last couple years, and then released it to Fox Pro to use on YouTube. Randy probably knows more about how's and why's of why it's set up that way. I'm just a coyote hunter and a fisherman. Anyway if you'd like to come along and see what a little Montana coyote hunting is like with decoy dogs give have a look. There are definitely coyotes hitting the ground on this video.
Nice yote equipment....that 22-250 is moving. Cool video. Need to get out with our foxpro.
Thank you guys for all the support and kind words. It definitely was something out of my comfort zone, but fun all the same. Well it was all fun until our cameraman got bit by a rattle snake. He was right in front of me, had the cameraman not jumped upon being struck my next step would have dead centered the snake. The good news is the snake is dead and cameraman had a full recovery.
I really enjoyed watching the show. Looks like you are great fisherman and coyote hunter! You make me want to go to Montana and do some predator hunting.
Really cool big sky. I’m just waiting to get kicked off the forum since it’s becoming the forum of the stars.

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