Caribou Gear Tarp

My God how outdoor television has fallen.

YouTube all the way! Choose who I watch and when. Most of the weekend warriors put out decent content. I would think about doing it but it would have to be powered by the Hunters watching it not hunting companies wanting me to sell there gear! I like the gear I use to much lol 😂
I enjoy a handful of YouTube channels. Fresh Tracks, The Hunting Public, and Dave Owens: the Pinhoti Project are all great. Some of the Gohunt videos have been pretty good too.
I'm old, irrelevant and don't fit "the demographic" but the American Sportsman episodes with Bing Crosby and Phil Harris were always good.

American Sportsman got me started watching hunting and fishing on t.v.
Now I mostly just watch shows that pertain to hunting/fishing in Az.
Really enjoyed the episodes from the past couple of years that Randy
put out down here. 〽💥
I had outdoor TV on while I was at the gym today and watch addicted to the outdoors hunt exotics in Florida. Sweet baby Ray it was one of the most brutal experiences in my life. I should’ve just turned it off but it was like a car wreck and I couldn’t look away. They get all dressed up and carry-on like it some great wild hunt. They literally pimp firewood to you. They couldn’t shove more product placement into one show if they tried.
It gets brought up a lot, the declining numbers of hunters shows like that illustrate why. People watch that and probably think that you need a custom suppressed firearm to go shoot farm animals at 50 yards. Wearing head to toe camo patternWhich I’m sure they told me what company it was about 60 times but I honestly don’t remember. Of course you need a tack cam attached to your rifle to record your wild adventures.
After watching that crap I really appreciate the content Randy, Steven Rinella, solo Hunter and a few others put out.

Sorry for the rant it just got me going this Sunday morning.
Hopefully they had face paint on and yelled "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!!!" after they shot.
I've met Michael in person, really a standup guy. He was running late to a seminar but took the time to stop and chat with me and my kids and get a pitcure. Besides Fresh Tracks, western hunter is probably my favorite. Skull Bound TV is another pretty good one
I also spoke with micheal a couple times over the years. Real nice guy and easy to talk to. Seemed as they say down to earth and spoke with great respect for the animals he hunts.
As much as some would not like to say it shows like realtree outdoors opened the door for all the shows we had from the 90s into the 2000s then they got really stale and started to die as crappy show after crappy show was being produced. Then @Big Fin came along in the late 2000s with the brilliant idea of filming DIY hunts (THANK YOU) that us real world schmucks do and relate to and saved the day for hunting shows. As he opened that market the crappy show after crappy show to crappy youtube videos after crappy youtube videos have flooded the market again and watered it down for the worse and making it stale again.
So the question is who saves the day after Randy and the good ones are done?
When it comes to hunting shows or youtube videos I say keep it simple stupid. Nobody cares about your catch phrases and cool hats. Just be yourself, speak unscripted, and hunt. Nobody wants their hunting "heroes" to try and be movie stars.
I've got the DVR set to Western Hunter but that's the only one. I'll binge watch Fresh Tracks on Amazon when I think about it. Lately I've been watching the old Uncharted shows with Shockey. I view them more as 'hunting meets NatGeo' and then enjoy them for what they are. They keep my interest when on the treadmill; which is a big plus during the winter.

I got off MeatEater when he cut the cord.
When it comes to hunting shows or youtube videos I say keep it simple stupid. Nobody cares about your catch phrases and cool hats. Just be yourself, speak unscripted, and hunt. Nobody wants their hunting "heroes" to try and be movie stars.

What I found really pathetic was after guys like Donnie Vincent and Steve Rinella started popularizing the pensive narrations every idiot with a youtube channel or an instagram page started trying to sound really profound in their narrations. I was doing some writing for an aussie hunting mag at the time and articles started rolling in from people doing the same. It always just felt so forced and sounded as eloquent and appealing as Robert Shaw dragging his finger nails down the chalk board.
For whitetail and turkey, THP is the best out there by far IMO. I like Fresh Tracks of course, and a handful of others. The last couple seasons of Meateater haven't really held my interest.

I feel like MeatEater needs to be an hour show. By including more of the food aspect along with more talking the hunting aspect is getting pushed to the side. The adventure portion ends up feeling lacking.
I feel like MeatEater needs to be an hour show. By including more of the food aspect along with more talking the hunting aspect is getting pushed to the side. The adventure portion ends up feeling lacking.
They still do some cool DIY stuff. But it seems like a lot of it anymore is just another rich guy on private and/or guided.
Since we are bashing hunting shows,,,,,,,,,,some years ago I watched an episode of Buck McNeely hunting mule deer. He took a shot at a skylined buck from the bottom of a coulee. The lack of safety bothered me enough that I found out how to e-mail them and comment about it.

I wrote that they are representing hunters everywhere and it is an unsafe practice to shoot at skylined animals. Well, they wrote me back that since they were on private land, they knew there was no one out beyond the deer. I wrote the back that it did not excuse it, no one watching the show knows that and that with the angle of the shot he took, a miss was going to travel a long ways, likely beyond the property line.
Western hunter and fresh tracks are about the only ones I watch. Live2hunt with Cody Robbins is a good one too. He does his share of private land hunts too, but it’s easy to appreciate his hard work and dedication to finding mature animals. He seems to do it pretty well with a good attitude all the time and not being an outdoor channel D bag.
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