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Words from a former Democrat

I never had dread locks and that was years ago. ;) But you are right that I wont be carrying a Bush sign. I wont be carrying a Kerry sign either.or a Nader or anybody's. (Not until dgibson runs for presidente.)

And my parents werent exactly cool. Southern Baptists can be strict.

But I will be voting and encouraging others to vote regardless on whom they choose to vote for.
I don't get why it's seen as a bad thing if some people don't vote. If they're not familiar with the candidates, and have no idea who would represent their views the best, then they shouldn't be voting. Why encourage somebody to vote when all they are doing is picking names at random? :confused:
Quoted from Erik in AK, posted 04-01-2004 18:41
Well blah blah blah blah blah!! More left wing drivel!
Your presumptions are in error, as I'm a conservative by nature, it’s my opinions for the Republican Party, that wouldn't be proper to post, in a public forum, such as this. Why do you consider my opinions for this party, which you feel isn’t within your parameters, make me “left wing drivel”, please first seek to understand before passing judgment! I myself don’t agree having abortion being a political hot potato, :( this is a morality issue, which can’t be legislated, to change the morals of a society one must change it’s culture, which is done through education, or by rewarding behavior that is being sought after, or by having consequences for undesired behaviors. We tried legislating morality, the Prohibition Amendment, which became quite corrupt, for which we’re still paying for today! Before passing another failed attempt to moderate a behavior, same sex marriages, with another amendment, first pass legislation to reward desired behavior, and or to have consequences for undesired behaviors, such as a higher fee for same sex relationships.

Have you read Will Durant’s, “Our Orient History Heritage”, it’s an interesting read, I’ve just started reading, I plan to read his whole series, “The Story of Civilization”. I’ve found this book to be quite insightful, regarding our present predicament with the 2004 election, it’s amazing how much we can divulge from our past, how problems continue to intertwine throughout our history.

Ken :cool: :D ;)
Trust me, I do understand

My "drivel" comment was directed specifically at your assertion that the GOP seeks to "...hold their morals upon everybody...". It was not directed at you the person. I inferred from your own words you meant "christian" morality, as in the Republicans are trying to bludgeon America with narrow-minded oppressive "bad" Christianity.
You, yz1 are incapable of being left-wing drivel because you are a person and not a statement.

Just because you say you're a conservative doesn't
make everything you say "conservative". "Drivel" being any statement written or oral, where the speaker mechanically reiterates anybody's company line without first examining the validity of said "line".

Its a historical and documented fact that the founders intended the United Stated to be a Christian(read protestant) nation that welcomed and tolerated other faiths. This is clearly and repeatedly stated in their mutual correspondence during the time of the 1st and 2nd Continental Congresses through ratification. Read the Madison papers if you want to truly understand the constitution. (Adams and Jefferson as well)

Despite all the vitriol heaped upon it, the so-called Christian Right emerged IMO as an ideaological overreaction to this country's appalling social and moral decay, which is rooted in the promotion of atheism in the name of freedom. Many well meaning, albeit naive, contempory American Christians are lashing out politically because they have been under attack ever since the McCarthy fiasco.

Despite the press to the contrary, Repuplicans vis-a-vis' conservatism are far more tolerant of dissenting opinions than Democrats. Don't believe me? Disagree with a self pro-claimed conservative on any issue of your choosing. More than likely that person will try to use logic and facts to convice you why you're incorrect. Now try it with a liberal. Be prepared for an emotional tirade accusing you of intolerance, stupidity and many things that end in "-ist" and mostly, shouted down.

The truth is like Kryptonite to a Liberal.

As an aside, we happen to agree on the status of abortion.
Any citizen who follows and blindly supports his/her party is a no good, lazy somabich!! :mad: (And should be stripped of the right to vote!)
Originally posted by Washington Hunter:
I don't get why it's seen as a bad thing if some people don't vote. If they're not familiar with the candidates, and have no idea who would represent their views the best, then they shouldn't be voting. Why encourage somebody to vote when all they are doing is picking names at random? :confused:
WH, I can understand your view but for me I "Think" that it is better for people to vote so that the people can keep that right. If hardly anyone voted, how long before the so called representatives would take that right away from the people? I also "feel" that it is better for us to guess at times. I have did "any many miny moe" a few times at the voting booth. I have voted for a different candidate just to piss someone else off. Why? Because I can.
Tune in your AM radio today to Rush....

Bush could drop nuclear bombs on the U.S. and Rush would defend it and find a way to blame a democrat
As usual, stated from a person that only takes what he finds to cut and paste and not actually listen to the show...The funny thing about this whole thing is that this individual that posted the above, gets on those that don't follow lock step with him, especially those that won't read all the wasted cyber space that this board is subject to from some of the cut and paste that is perpetrated on it....
Your smarter than Ol' Rushy...Give him a call on Friday's, he will move you to the front of the list and all on the board that bother to listen can hear you do a battle of wits with him...
The number hasn't changed... 1-800-282-2882
If memory serves me right, you got very sarcastic the last time I posted this for you... Afraid that you will be made the fool, or is it just easier to sit in your little glass house and try brow beating those that don’t care much for your views?
I listen to any of the talk show hosts that I can tune into, even the liberal ones. They are all there for our entertainment and to get so wrapped up in every thing they say is just silly...
Of course when one is losing every thing that they feel they have spent their whole lives working on, I would suppose it tends to make an individual testy….
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