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My God how outdoor television has fallen.

Unfortunately it is all about business...

I stopped watching anything whitetail related years ago. I have insider knowledge of what really goes on and it is all smoke and mirrors ( you all probably know that already).

" We have spent all summer patterning these bucks, putting in the food plots, and making sure the shooting lanes were all clear"... no the landowner actually runs the 20+ cameras for you, planted all the food plots, and told you where to hang your stands. Yes you pay an ungodly amount to the landowner, but he/she does all the work. All you do is fly in, show up with your crew, sit where you are told, and with the amount of camera/patterning, a big buck will walk by eventually.

Then when you don't shoot that 180" deer that has been on camera you threaten to not pay the lease price. Last time I checked it was still called hunting and not shooting. I just shake my head.
except for a handful of shows, Randy’s and Steve Rinella come to mind...but I am sure there few more ... they mostly aren’t worth watching. For the most part they don’t represent hunting for average person.

I think the whitetail Hunt MO of growing big bucks, patrolling and guarding land generally and equating hunting to land ownership has been cancerous to hunting. Add to it how access and tags have been monetized out west....... we are long passed the beginning of the end.
I've heard some stories...don't believe everything you see on tv.

Care to share via PM? I can only go by what I see, read, and hear and as far as "personalities and celebrities" (which is a joke to me) he is at the top for me being on TV along with Remi Warren. Both seem humble. Obviously Randy being right there too. Simmons not being on social media says a lot this day and age. Maybe I'm being fooled and way off though....would be interesting to know...
Hunting shows died along time ago, even before grown men were putting on make up and hanging out in lodges. I would argue there is the beginning of a resurgence happening with Randy and Steve showing the world how to do it again.
Add to it how access and tags have been monetized out west....... we are long passed the beginning of the end.
Access has been monetized everywhere, unfortunately. I'm not sure where that first took hold but it has made things a lot harder.

@BlakeA Remi is probably my favorite in the outdoor hunting media world. Just a really cool, knowledgeable guy.
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Here lately I have not been enjoying Rinella's work as much. I love OYOA/Randy and Nate Simmons wish there were more videos each year. I absolutely can't stand 30seconds of pigman! I really like some of the amateur Youtube stuff. My biggest pet peeve by far is people daylighting arrows or bullets. It seems to happen on film all the time. I hate the "smoked um"
I agree it’s almost all terrible, but I’m pretty sure it’s always been almost all terrible. Kinda like people say they like old country, because we remember Waylon and the like, but there was crappy pop country in the 70s too. My opinion.
Yes and no. Hunting I would agree, but fishing shows legitimately used to be better. The greatest outdoors show of all time was The Walker's Cay Chronicles .
you mean "Buck Commander" is not Legit!!!!!!! With that said. Solo Hunter and Randy Newburg are about all I've been watching. Watched some Donnie Vincent stuff that is very good. I'm getting into the Gladiators Unleashed stuff, I like those guys. Cant hate on their lack of success, when you got guys actually trying, Plus Luke is Hilarious. I watched Hushin for awhile, but it just started getting weird to me so i'm off that train. Use to watch Gritty for awhile when Aron was still involved, but that has turned into something I don't care for anymore. Born and Raised Outdoors makes me want to throw up, and I'm not sure why. Jim Shockey is awesome, that guy has been blessed with some really cool adventures.
I used to watch Shockey "The Professionals' but then it seemed like every hunt was a life or death situation with so much made up drama for the show. No more.
There are very few worth watching. Far too many are filmed on private ranches. Any show where they have named the buck or bull immediately gets turned off.
Thanks for watching our Alaska videos! Kodiak brown bear hunting video is in the works. DIY.

I think The Heart of Hunting is excellent, in story telling, in video quality, and in authenticity.

The video where the sheep hunter climbed and took a ram out of his misery because some other bubba took a poor shot and created a 3-legged ram had me in tears.

One minor suggestion...Alaska has so few highways, I can tell where they are hunting in a few videos because the show a bit too much of the trailhead/highway.
That may piss off some folks in interior Alaska that are hunting from that same trailhead...sort of like when someone names a location in the Alaska Outdoors Hunting Forum.
I dont even have any hunting shows on my cable package most are so much BS and lots are behind fences or when they say hunting over a cut corn field look at the corn its brush hogged down without 1 ear being harvested
A friend saw some of Randys vids and thats how I found this site

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