Caribou Gear

NOSLER wants to see your success

As much as I like my 300RUM, sometimes it's nice to go with a lighter gun and less recoil. My Savage Lightweight Hunter in .260REM is a joy to carry and shoot. I was using handloaded 120 grain Ballistic Tips and Nosler brass for this Wyoming antelope in 2014, shot was 135 yards.
This February I was fortunate enough to hunt Barbary sheep on public ground in New Mexico. On day three of the hunt I got this ram at 200 yards with my 300RUM and 180 grain AccuBonds. The toughest and most memorable hunt I've been on.
My sons 2016 Nevada antelope shot with 150 grain Nosler Partition from a Remington .270. The range was 244 yards so there was no bullet to recover. Yes we know it's overkill but they shoot extremely well from that rifle and he has 2 boxes of Federal Premium Vital Shock ammo leftover from his 2015 bull elk hunt that he took with the same bullet.DSCN0496.jpg
Is Randy11 the same individual that the Big Fin hunted with? I believe it was mountain goat or sheep,if I remember the episode correctly. Glad to see he's doing well.
Kimber Adirondack in .308, shooting 165 AB.

Drove from Boston, MA to Wyoming solo. Hunted 10 days of Archery and had lots of close calls, but couldn't quite get it done. Day 11 was the rifle opener. Up at 2:30, hiking at 3:45. 2.5 hours later I made it to a remote clearing in a different drainage and got this guy right as it started to get light. Packed him out that afternoon and the next day by myself, chalking up 22 miles over 3 loads. Got in the car, drove back to Boston. I've eaten tenderloins, but otherwise am still cutting, wrapping and freezing. Can't wait until next year!

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2016image.jpg 2016 lope central Montana. 30-06 165 gr accubond 548 yards 1 shot.
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Noslers doing what they do best.

My 2014 Idaho Bull shot with a 140 gr. Nosler Accubond out of my .270 Win. Double lung with complete pass through at 50 yards. He went about twenty yards and tipped over.
6mm Remington & 100 gr. Partition - 30-06 and 165 gr. Partition

6mm Remington 100 gr. Partition

30-06 165 gr. Partition

280 Remington & 140 gr. Nosler Partition

Buck on right with 280 Remington 140 gr. Partition

Didn't you guys get the memo that you need a magnum to kill moose and elk?!?!?:D:D Awesome animals guys. Here is mine from this year. 130 Grain Accubond at 406 yards. Folded at the shot.


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300 Remington Ultra Mag shooting 180 gr. Partitions on this Wyoming bull at 40 yards. Dropped in tracks.
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180 gr. Partition on this Wyoming buck at 60 yards. Dropped in tracks.
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180 gr. Partition on this Wyoming buck at 150 yards. 30 yard recovery.
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180 gr. Partition on this Alaska bear at 220 yards. 20 yard recovery.
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180 gr. Partitions on this Wyoming moose at 100 yards. Dropped in tracks.
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180 gr. Accubond on this Wyoming bull at 440 yards. Dropped in tracks.

180 gr. Accubond on this Wyoming buck at 200 yards with my son. Dropped in tracks.
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180 gr. Accubond on this Northwest Territories Mountain Caribou at 310 yards. Dropped in tracks.

180 gr Accubond on this Northwest Territories Dall Sheep at 40 yards. 200 yard recovery due to gravity.

180 gr. Accubond on this Northwest Territories Moose at 257 yards. Dropped in tracks.

180 gr. Accubond on this Wyoming cow elk. Dropped in tracks.
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30-06 shooting 150 gr. Partitions on this Wyoming buck my wife took.
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The above Nosler Ballistic Tip worked perfectly from 342 yards on my 2016 Montana antelope - the Ballistic Tip before this one just damaged some Montana sagebrush due to shooter error. MT_antelope.jpg
Tim Lesser from Leupold shot this NM bull last week. Day and a half extraction from this canyon. .338 Win 250 grain AccuBonds.


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