northeastern nevada mule deer


New member
Oct 12, 2011
So, me and my pops are looking into doing the Nevada archery mule deer hunt in the wild horse area! Randy your season 3 Mule deer hunt is what got all of this started so thank you :D We've been hunting Montana for many years now and we have done quite well. I hunted bow season pretty hard this year for elk but never was able to connect with a bull. (Got on some brutes though!) Anyway we are wanting to do the hunt like in season 3 with the nice comfortable camp spot as dad isn't getting any younger and having the trailer with a bed in it would make it much better than roughing it in the tents. Just looking for any input anyone might have on areas down there? I've never been able to shoot a mule deer and am thinking this could be a great spot :hump:

as a thread is worthless without pics heres me and my largest whitetail to date... sucker had a 34" inch neck (if i can remember right)


ETA:Holy huge picture batman!
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Nice buck. Congrats.

As far as NV goes, I am sure some of those guys will chime in. Hard to have a bad hunt in NE NV. By NE, I mean anything east of Winnemucca and north of Highway 50. Even some units south of Hwy 50 have good deer.

NV is 85+% public land, so finding a place to hunt is easy. Getting a tag is harder. Good luck.

Note, when you do your app, NV looks at all 5 of your choices, before going on to the next application,
NV has all the information you will need to pick a unit that fits what you want at Number of tags, number of applicants, harvest by antler points, success rates, etc.
Well it all depends on what unit your looking at near wildhorse area 061-068 is a large unit depending on your finacences are I would hire a guide or buy some nice boots and optics. Archery season is the 10th of August threw September 9th. It is big rugged country you shouldnt have trouble spotting animals they only gave out 21 non res tags in 2012 so it may be hard to draw. Camping at wildhorse would be nice but you may have to drive and hour or more to where the animals are. Though thats not allways the case sometimes you can find deer right off of the main roads nice bucks not just forkys. It happed last year to my friend Richard who had a late season 061 buck tag. He shot a 166 4x4 last day 200 yards from a main road dont know how many guys drove right by him. Good luck private message for more info.

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