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Non-resident outfitter license (MT) Bill is up for hearing 2/2/2021 (SB 143)

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Your juvenile behavior is astounding. I quoted your own words, and your reply is “great come back”? I’m rubber, you’re glue…..FFS.

You keep playing a false narrative of hatred of outfitters. I stated my stance of no, I don’t hate outfitters. Nor do I believe they should be allotted special licenses.

I’m not going to beg you to divulge your “little secret” about 637. Your sophomoric behavior is pretty epic. Nice games. You might be a big shooter but you don’t come across as a straight shooter from your displays here.

Sorry I can’t argue more. Have to work.

K bye.
sophmoric? more like geriatric senior citizen the both of us, Me and Shooter.

you won't have to beg...or even ask nice.

A few senators and legislators were asked to come on this and a few other boards and read the vitriol and hatred being spewed. It opened their eyes after reading it and saw the reasoning. Why should we (Montana Residents) put NR DIY guys ahead of Montana business'? The Montana resident hunter only stands to gain 8000(plus or minus) DIY hunters on accessible lands if something is not done, if those 8k go with the outfitters they've traditionally gone with the last 20 yrs it's less pressure on accessible lands. Win for Res. hunter and win for Mt. small business. Nothing changes, nothing gained, nothing lost.
If that was the deal then they should have not increased any tags to NR. They should have stole them from the pool we increased during the 90's. There will not be less NR on public lands because of this bill, there will be more.
only for this year.
sophmoric? more like geriatric senior citizen the both of us, Me and Shooter.

you won't have to beg...or even ask nice.

A few senators and legislators were asked to come on this and a few other boards and read the vitriol and hatred being spewed. It opened their eyes after reading it and saw the reasoning. Why should we (Montana Residents) put NR DIY guys ahead of Montana business'? The Montana resident hunter only stands to gain 8000(plus or minus) DIY hunters on accessible lands if something is not done, if those 8k go with the outfitters they've traditionally gone with the last 20 yrs it's less pressure on accessible lands. Win for Res. hunter and win for Mt. small business. Nothing changes, nothing gained, nothing lost.
So now we’re back to doing it for the good of the R hunter. Got it.

It’s a win for SOME small businesses, while others take it in the ass. You obviously don’t care because your bread got buttered.
Part of me wants to read all 135 pages but I am inclined to have a negative view of outfitters/guides so I’ll drink yuengling and watch Rick and morty instead. Maybe someone will post a summary
The Montana resident hunter only stands to gain 8000(plus or minus) DIY hunters on accessible lands if something is not done, if those 8k go with the outfitters they've traditionally gone with the last 20 yrs it's less pressure on accessible lands.

Your circle is confusing you again Eric. Your back to point 260 of 360 of it being to benefit the resident hunter. Your math is in need of remediation. If 8k hunters have hunted with outfitters the last 20yrs that would be 47% of the available tags I thought yours and MOGA's compromise in 147 was 30% or 5100 tags bc that was historical average?
A few senators and legislators were asked to come on this and a few other boards and read the vitriol and hatred being spewed.
To be honest I have read every comment on this whole thread multiple times. The amount of vitriol and hatred spewed towards NR DIY hunters out weighs the few comments I would deem as hatred towards outfitters.

I don't think any of us opposed to this bill or any of the other garbage bills had any "hatred" for outfitters just hatred towards the game and way it was tried to be rammed through.
Outfitters in General is what Buzz is talking about. WE (the resident sportsmen of Montana) rarely, if ever see MOGA anywhere except when it comes to sticking their hands out. Never do they show up for the resource. They do show up to promote predator killing.
Predator killing is a good thing.
Your circle is confusing you again Eric. Your back to point 260 of 360 of it being to benefit the resident hunter. Your math is in need of remediation. If 8k hunters have hunted with outfitters the last 20yrs that would be 47% of the available tags I thought yours and MOGA's compromise in 147 was 30% or 5100 tags bc that was historical average?
It’s not 47%. SB143 original ask was for 60%(horrible, indefensible, bad) bargained down to 40%(actual outfitter use of license to NR hunters is 39%) so clients served average last 20 yrs is approx 8-8500
Predator killing is a good thing.

It’s not 47%. SB143 original ask was for 60%(horrible, indefensible, bad) bargained down to 40%(actual outfitter use of license to NR hunters is 39%) so clients served average last 20 yrs is approx 8-8500
I apologize I thought it was bargained down to 30%, and what number am I missing to figure 39% is 8-8500 I thought that 17000 was the cap? Or do I need to figure in all the other NR tags (native, come home, college student etc?)

Thanks for being willing to explain to me
It’s not 47%. SB143 original ask was for 60%(horrible, indefensible, bad) bargained down to 40%(actual outfitter use of license to NR hunters is 39%) so clients served average last 20 yrs is approx 8-8500
If that’s the 20 year average, then how the hell do you come up with this?
The Montana resident hunter only stands to gain 8000(plus or minus) DIY hunters on accessible lands if something is not done, if those 8k go with the outfitters they've traditionally gone with the last 20 yrs it's less pressure on accessible lands. Win for Res.
HTF does HB 637 save anyone or anything other than your pocketbook and your friends? The dishonest spin is unreal. If that’s a 20 year average, what pending catastrophic event was going to unleash 8k DIY NR guys on public land?
Predator killing is a good thing.

It’s not 47%. SB143 original ask was for 60%(horrible, indefensible, bad) bargained down to 40%(actual outfitter use of license to NR hunters is 39%) so clients served average last 20 yrs is approx 8-8500
unless your headed for a relisting of a possible endangered species, or all of a sudden all the bears shot are young ones, or the lions start showing up with just young age classes, or if there's so many coyotes removed that the mice, and rabbits run amuck.

Most sportsmen agree that over killing of any wildlife isn't desirable.

Not to sure the majority of Outfitters fit in that category.
The worst behavior I’ve seen in the mountains on public land hunts had been by outfitters. Running past me to chase elk, cornering a herd on horseback and running them down to jump off and herd shoot, a dozen night time shots fired just prior to the opener...all outfitters. My main competition for space where I hunt hard on public land is outfitters. Maybe it’s different where you hunt.
Like I stated earlier....there are some bad apples in our industry as well. I apologize for lighting a fire in you to hate us.
Your circle is confusing you again Eric. Your back to point 260 of 360 of it being to benefit the resident hunter. Your math is in need of remediation. If 8k hunters have hunted with outfitters the last 20yrs that would be 47% of the available tags I thought yours and MOGA's compromise in 147 was 30% or 5100 tags bc that was historical average?
What the Hell is 147? Did I miss a bill??
There are outfitters I appreciate and respect 100%...and now I can think of two particular operations I hate, and that have lit a fire under me to fight this BS in the west with what time and money I can spare. So thanks @Big Shooter and @Eric Albus for that.
Your not alone in this way of thinking......
I don't agree with either though @Eric Albus has been here and done his time for a good while. He puts up his POV within a pretty rough crowd in response. IMO, not that Eric is an, "enemy" in any way though with respect to the quote by Sun Tzu;

"To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy... If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Again, Eric, not saying you're the enemy. I'm sure you get the idea - You represent the gist of my opponent in this case. I've learned interesting tid bits from you over the years and wondered if you had a bottle of JD next to you on other posts 😅 As I'm sure some would say of myself.
Some of them are good folks but plenty are not.
Care to give examples of the ones you have met that were not "good folks"? What did they do to you for you to come to this conclusion?

It's going to be funny when the day comes that there are less NR's bothering you in your "favorite area" due to NR quotas being cut but those same spots you love are completely overran with residents and the quality is even worse than it is today. That's coming. Just be patient.
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