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Non Political Broadhead Thread (With a Bonus Poll!)

Fixed Blade or Mechanical

  • Fixed Blade

    Votes: 35 83.3%
  • Mechanical

    Votes: 7 16.7%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2021
Though national politics are very much on my mind, I’d like to see some alternative debatable subject matter on HT.

It’s been a bit since there’s been a good old broadhead post. Let the poll rip, purely to satisfy my curiosity.

Beyond the age old fixed vs mechanical argument, I’d be curious to hear about what specific broadheads folks are currently using or building arrows with and your rationale? How are they tuning for you? How dead do they make critters of the elk and deer variety?

Much like politics, make sure you offer zero flexibility in your thinking that your decision is the only correct one and that the other choice is only for idiots. ;)
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I’ll go first: I’ve personally placed a lot more faith in the functionality of fixed blades and have gotten them to tune fine in the past. Last year I used Slick Trick Magnums solely because they flew like field points and I didn’t have a ton of time to refine with a newborn on hand. I didn’t shoot any critters with them though.

This year I’m thinking of hopping in the single bevel bandwagon and using ones with bleeder blades. Something about it them seems more solid and “cutty,” though I might be creating a false bias just cause I think they look cool.
Expandablea are for lazy people or people to busy to tinker with their bow. 😉 I've always shot fixed, but last year with a new bow setup and little time to really tinker with the bow I used 125 grain expandable Swackers. I have nothing against them and I know they will remove the head from a grouse, but I will be going back to fixed blade. Probably iron will or M3's
Shot a javelina with a mechanical, he ded. 🤷‍♂️

Keeping it in spirit with the thread, my single experience is correct, all of you are wrong and should feel bad
I voted fixed because that's what I've been shooting the last few years. I've shot plenty of expendables with great success. The fixed blades I shoot now (QAD exodus) just shoot so well it's hard not to keep using them. Broadheads are the most over analyzed product out there imo. I've never seen a deer shot through both lungs survive any broadhead.
Switched to QAD exodus last year from slick tricks. They fly exactly like field tips which made my life easy. Shot a bear and an elk last year with the same head and it’s still in good shape
They both kill em dead.

I like tinkering with stuff though. So I shoot fixed blades mainly now. Except for my bear last fall, that was a sevr mechanical head. Bear made it 20 yards and dropped dead.

I usually keep 1 expandable in my quiver. If I shoot something, and it runs out to let's say 80 yards and gives me an opportunity to put another one in it, I would prefer it to be a mechanical at that range.
I have always used fixed heads, with the exception of the one time I used a mechanical and didn't recover an elk, due to lack of penetration. I have used 125 gr Slick Trick Magnums since 2007. They fly like field points and I've had great penetration using them. I have killed elk, mule deer, and antelope with Slick Tricks.
They both kill em dead.

I like tinkering with stuff though. So I shoot fixed blades mainly now. Except for my bear last fall, that was a sevr mechanical head. Bear made it 20 yards and dropped dead.

I usually keep 1 expandable in my quiver. If I shoot something, and it runs out to let's say 80 yards and gives me an opportunity to put another one in it, I would prefer it to be a mechanical at that range.
I enjoy the tinkering as well, even if not strictly needed. I do like the idea of keeping a mechanical in the quiver for a potential long follow up fling though.
I've killed a bunch of deer with Rage Hypodermic 2 blades and never had a single malfunction and they flew incredibly well for me.
That being said, I've moved to fixed blades since I'd rather just shoot one broadhead type and I don't want to shoot Rage's at an elk. I've tried Slick Tricks, Montecs, and have some QAD Exodus in the on deck circle that I want to try out. I hope they shoot as well as I've read, because I haven't been able to fine tune the slick tricks or montecs with my set up. Probably my fault.
I've killed a bunch of deer with Rage Hypodermic 2 blades and never had a single malfunction and they flew incredibly well for me.
That being said, I've moved to fixed blades since I'd rather just shoot one broadhead type and I don't want to shoot Rage's at an elk. I've tried Slick Tricks, Montecs, and have some QAD Exodus in the on deck circle that I want to try out. I hope they shoot as well as I've read, because I haven't been able to fine tune the slick tricks or montecs with my set up. Probably my fault.
I shot nothing but rage hypodermic for years as well and loved them. I think you'll like the QAD's.
125 gr G5 Montec. Have not had a reason to try anything else. Do not enjoy tinkering with broadheads or bullets.
Where is the option for those of us that don't believe in bowhunting?
I almost put one down but was frightened about being overwhelmed by the true will of the people. Thought I’d keep this more like a Vladimir Putin election and make sure the results I wanted to see are properly skewed with like a 90% advantage.
I enjoy the tinkering as well, even if not strictly needed. I do like the idea of keeping a mechanical in the quiver for a potential long follow up fling though.
One more poke never hurts anything. I've had plenty of critters run 40-60 yards after being arrowed that stop to look around and try to see what just happened. First shot is a fixed blade, then the next arrow I grab is always the mechanical. I've never had the chance to use it as there is usually a bit too much foliage between me and the critter by then. One of these times I'm going to be glad I have it with though.
Expandablea are for lazy people or people to busy to tinker with their bow. 😉 I've always shot fixed, but last year with a new bow setup and little time to really tinker with the bow I used 125 grain expandable Swackers. I have nothing against them and I know they will remove the head from a grouse, but I will be going back to fixed blade. Probably iron will or M3's
I’d bet most years I spend more time behind the string than 90% of people and only shoot mechanicals. It’s all about trusting what on the end of the pointy stick. If you want swing by and I’ll show you the things I’ve put that pointy stick thru
Shooting RMS Cutthroat 125gr. three blades. Had a little bit of a tricky time tuning them last year with the AAE Max Stealth so went to the Airrzr vanes a few weeks ago. Haven't had a chance to get out and shoot them yet.

I'd consider shooting mechanicals-- specifically G3 DeadMeats-- if I bow hunt pronghorn this fall again.
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