Though national politics are very much on my mind, I’d like to see some alternative debatable subject matter on HT.
It’s been a bit since there’s been a good old broadhead post. Let the poll rip, purely to satisfy my curiosity.
Beyond the age old fixed vs mechanical argument, I’d be curious to hear about what specific broadheads folks are currently using or building arrows with and your rationale? How are they tuning for you? How dead do they make critters of the elk and deer variety?
Much like politics, make sure you offer zero flexibility in your thinking that your decision is the only correct one and that the other choice is only for idiots.
It’s been a bit since there’s been a good old broadhead post. Let the poll rip, purely to satisfy my curiosity.
Beyond the age old fixed vs mechanical argument, I’d be curious to hear about what specific broadheads folks are currently using or building arrows with and your rationale? How are they tuning for you? How dead do they make critters of the elk and deer variety?
Much like politics, make sure you offer zero flexibility in your thinking that your decision is the only correct one and that the other choice is only for idiots.
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