Non native firewood?

338 win mag

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2009
What are the laws or rules for bringing non native firewood into a national forest?
Some state parks are ok with it. Heck some state parks with camping areas have no wood so you have no choice. But yea anything we can do to keep the beetles out of forests is good. I have a cabin on 20 acres that adjoins the Los Padres National Forest and I’ve lost about 40 trees in the last 2 years. They suck. I wish they had never got introduced here.
Thanks guys, I was hoping to bring some good seasoned firewood from NC on our trip this year to save at least a little time while in the field. May contact the Forest Service office near our hunt area but I'll just plan on using native wood.
Even if it's allowed, it's not a good idea. If you are packing in, you obviously don't want to carry wood. If you are near the truck, you can usually buy bundles at local stores if you don't want to gather wood.
Even if it's allowed, it's not a good idea. If you are packing in, you obviously don't want to carry wood. If you are near the truck, you can usually buy bundles at local stores if you don't want to gather wood.
Have you seen the price of a bundle of wood now!?
Went into True Value Hardware and they wanted $8 for 5 pieces of juniper.
Heck that's just enough to barely singe your wiener's! Ha!,Ha! 💥
Yikes! I think it was $7.50 at a campground and $5 at a store last time I bought a bundle. I buy bundles camping with family in 5th Wheel and gather wood when hunting.

Of course for us in AZ, wood is going to both cost more and be hard to gather depending on where you are hunting.
The blow down in the national forest is well seasoned wood. And it is free to use as long as you are not hauling any out. It also splits quite easy with a wedge or an axe. When you haul wood in, you also haul in critters that you do not want to haul in. The USFS is also strict on hay for horses. You have to bring in weed free certified hay or pellets. I just spend my first day at hunting camp getting firewood collected and getting camp set up. Never saw a need or benefit to haul wood in other than to burn stuff up I want to get rid of.
Pine pitch canker destroyed the coastal pines in CA by firewood moving around. Monterey pine was once major farmed pine.
I use local downed wood camping and get firewood permits too. Nothing like being able to select wood for each use.
The last thing we need is another IPPs bettle type or Pine Bark beetle in the SW.Or a blight/virus. These trees are stressed in areas.
We got blow down in our from a fire that happened in 2013. Still a ton of well aged wood that will burn well. Plus the forest rangers have a ton stacked at the campsite we want to use if it's available when I get there.
Pine pitch canker destroyed the coastao l pines in CA by firewood moving around. Monterey pine was once major farmed pine.
I use local downed wood camping and get firewood permits too. Nothing like being able to select wood for each use.
The last thing we need is another IPPs bettle type or Pine Bark beetle in the SW.Or a blight/virus. These trees are stressed in areas.
Beetles have hit Az. really hard,just taking a walk on the Mogollon
Rim and you can see the devistation.The USFS / Phone Co. in Pine,Az.
cut all Pine trees on our property that had a possibility of falling on power lines. 💥
Saw some pics of my old stomping grounds in Sierra's. Half the trees are dead now.
IPP's has been hitting pinion in NM hard & bark beetles are on the ponderosa in the Gila.
In the east and Midwest many of the elm trees are dying from emerald ash borer. One more non native species that has been spread by people bringing firewood with them. I have lost 15 elm trees in the last 2 years on my 1 acre property
In the east and Midwest many of the elm trees are dying from emerald ash borer. One more non native species that has been spread by people bringing firewood with them. I have lost 15 elm trees in the last 2 years on my 1 acre property
You have elms being attached by the emerald ash borer? I assume you mean ash, but please let me know if you are having ems being killed by emerald ash borers. That'd be a new one on me. Most elms are killed by something else way before they get big enough for a borer...

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