No Net Gain in Public lands passed Senate!

The State Gov't has a large budget surplus. Using it to wisely purchase important wildlife habitat is good for the people of this state. It protects THE STATE'S wildlife while attracting non-residents and providing hunting opportunities for residents.
Here is the flip side:
Or they can give us our money back so we can spend it on health care and food.
Shoots, here is my reasoning: I can take $100,000 and buy a permanent easement across private land to access 1000 acres of public land that is landlocked by private land or I can take $100,000 and use it to buy private land at $1200/acre. Here are the result for access of what the $100,000 got us: 1000 acres to hunt or 83.33 acres to hunt.

Now I'm sure there are many variations of this but I think you get my point.

Montana is land rich with public lands. Some public lands are not accessible to the public and therefore not benefiting the public like they could.

You didn't read my post or think I'm full of shit. This is not what the bill is about. There are other bills dealing with leasing. I'm all for leasing lands for access, but you have to have willing parties. Read my post.

We are Public lands rich if your comparing us to Florida, or Alabama. Compared to other states in the West, Montana at 33% is not public lands rich. Remember how much is granite above tree line here.
Here is the flip side:
Or they can give us our money back so we can spend it on health care and food.

The flip side, would be to stop the sales of Non resident tags, and then we would have enough public lands to hunt. For now!

Most sportsman are happy to give for the management of our game herds. To bad you have a tainted view having so much private to hunt, and no threat of loosing that.

Your looking at this through colored glasses.:confused:
I'm glad to come to Mt. every couple of years and pay a NR fee to hunt but the day you guys take that money away from wildlife management and start buying beans and band-aids , I'm out.
Most sportsman are happy to give for the management of our game herds. To bad you have a tainted view having so much private to hunt, and no threat of loosing that.
Then most sportsman can take the money they get back and donate it to the Wildlife Federation, or RMEF or whatever. It should be the individuals choice how he/she would like to spend their own money. To bad you think I have so much private that I enjoy hunting...don't get me wrong there are lots of animals but it gets old seeing the same old tree time and time again. I like to get out and hunt some good old DIY public helps heal me. The old saying the grass is always greener on the other side applies here.:W:
Then most sportsman can take the money they get back and donate it to the Wildlife Federation, or RMEF or whatever. It should be the individuals choice how he/she would like to spend their own money. To bad you think I have so much private that I enjoy hunting...don't get me wrong there are lots of animals but it gets old seeing the same old tree time and time again. I like to get out and hunt some good old DIY public helps heal me. The old saying the grass is always greener on the other side applies here.:W:

Glad to see your true colors shinning through..

So your against the Public Trust Doctrine, and don't believe in the "North American Model" The two main documents to what a large majority of people consider the most successful comeback in big game populations in the world.

It's a good thing, that MOGA, Brenden, Debbie Barret and others weren't around at the beginning of the 20the century.

By your own words!

Sweet, you need a crash course in history of our big game, and the conservation movement.
Dude, you have totally lost me. Are you drinking? Where in the world did you get I was against the Public Trust Doctrine and North American Model when I suggest if the state is running a surplus in tax revenue they give it back to the tax payer? Earth to Shoots, Earth to Shoots, please return. You've been too involved with Montana politics to where you've gone mad. Put down your computer and go spend time with your wife tonight. Then go outside tomorrow and enjoy the sunshine.
Most sportsman are happy to give for the management of our game herds. To bad you have a tainted view having so much private to hunt, and no threat of loosing that.

Then most sportsman can take the money they get back and donate it to the Wildlife Federation, or RMEF or whatever. It should be the individuals choice how he/she would like to spend their own money. To bad you think I have so much private that I enjoy hunting...don't get me wrong there are lots of animals but it gets old seeing the same old tree time and time again. I like to get out and hunt some good old DIY public helps heal me. The old saying the grass is always greener on the other side applies here.:W:
Sweet you seem to thing that the management of our public resource would be better done by other entities. How in the heck would donating to individual groups pay for wildlife management?

The NAM is an a model that has been used successfully for a very long time, and the game herds we have today are a result of that. You deciding where you want your money to end up goes against that model.

The wildlife belong to all Montana citizens and we hold our government accountable for it's management not the RMEF, or MOGA.

I do plan a big bender after the legislative session is over.

I very well could have Bill idus.
FWIW, I just got the "emotionally disconnected" speech tonight. Thank goodness it's transmital break.

Abe offers some sage advice. Turn off the comp and go do something worthwhile. I think i'm taking the old lady to Brunch in Twin Bridges this weekend.
shoots, perhaps if the land you are complaining about was managed for quality you would not have so much to be angry over.

i have to go now, state basketball tourney.
It always amazes me that you MOGA folks think you can better manage our game than our trained biologists. Sure, you manage for quality but you fall off the edge if its anything but bulls and bucks. Antlerless management is left totally for resident Montana Sportsmen. You folks do nothing but leave us crumbs and then you come whining to the leg. for more BUCK and BULL tags "because elk are over objective." What a crock. SB 151 was just the kind of pure crap you guys try to pull. You do not manage numbers by having more NR bull tags. Makes me damn glad to have quality biologists in our FWP!
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