No MSG under 18?

None of this shit matters.

They can cube points, axe points, make applications free, make application fees $1,000 non refundable, exclude people born on odd years etc., and none of that changes the fact that we have half as many M/S/G tags in Montana now compared to 2000.

These three species are nose diving hard in Montana, and all we as hunters are doing about it is fighting over who gets to kill the last one.
None of this shit matters.

They can cube points, axe points, make applications free, make application fees $1,000 non refundable, exclude people born on odd years etc., and none of that changes the fact that we have half as many M/S/G tags in Montana now compared to 2000.

These three species are nose diving hard in Montana, and all we as hunters are doing about it is fighting over who gets to kill the last one.

That is a the most important point for the future of those three species, and not just here in Montana. I would suggest every hunter who wants to see their sheep odds increase become a member/volunteer for the Wild Sheep Foundation or their local state affiliate. Look at how many guys on this site are leaders for Colorado's Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society. They work their butts off and they are making a difference.

Not sure of a moose organization, but Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance has got at least one new unit opened (that I am aware of). They may have done even more.

The days of buying a license and saying that is your support for conservation has long since passed. Hunters need to do more with their Time, Talent, or Treasure. We all have small bits of one of the three T's. Any amount you can put toward conservation, either by your participation with formal groups or by engaging on your own terms, is making a big difference.
Question about this is there anywhere stating how this idea came about from the politician? Reason I ask did they exclude the youth from this because people are now able to buy points for children once their born?
Even beyond the boost WA just got from the Olympic NP relocations, we have a growing Mt goat population with expanding hunt opportunities.

I also just assisted in a relocation of Bighorns from WA that were released in UT, from a growing BH herd here in WA. There are bright spots just not as many as we need.
My understanding is that this is a PLPW bill and Loge, since he's on PLPW is the sponsor.

I know that WSF is opposing, and MWF is split, so they aren't going in on it. Not sure who else is going to be at the hearing. No idea why they put 18 and under in there.

For the laymen... what is PLPW?
I’m seeing big support for this on social media by most people commenting on places it’s posted. A lot of “I’ve been applying for 25 years, why should a kid get to apply when I haven’t drawn”

I thought it would be pretty much unanimous against restricting kids.
I don’t have kids but holy shit, folks are selfish.
I’m seeing big support for this on social media by most people commenting on places it’s posted. A lot of “I’ve been applying for 25 years, why should a kid get to apply when I haven’t drawn”

I thought it would be pretty much unanimous against restricting kids.
I don’t have kids but holy shit, folks are selfish.

Thus, I propose transparent legislation that ensures I am the one who receives primo tags before anyone else. I only ask for a couple a year, wouldn't want to be greedy. :)
Agree, Gomer. Apparently there is an intent to reduce competition for the tags. I tried to find some sort of objective review for the elimination of juveniles from MSG's... Unable to identify anything. it is left to subjective opinions. Mine is along your thought.

Yup - I was just embellishing your point.

Off topic - Seems the use of "etc" is frequently misunderstood.

"...delisting, etc". "Etc" is clearly present.
edit: not intended adverse towards Viking or Buzz, the posts reminded me of another comment with "etc" used that was missed or misunderstood.
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I have already purchased MSG points for my kids. FWP allowed that the last 2 yrs. What happens to those points and can i get my money back if they disappear. Iam just guessing but probably youth can still buy points and start applying when 18 years old. Still think it's retarded. Make it once in a lifetime MSG for the unit.
So is there any evidence that OIL will actually increase draw odds or is this just feel good legislation?
Hopefully it’s DOA.
Voting against kids seems to be a losing proposition but you never know.
I'm all for making these OIL, I don't see the need to take out the 12-18yo from the draws.