Montana Sheep Success Story

Great ram, thanks for sharing your hunt. I have been applying for many years for the chance. Hope it comes pretty soon.
Awesome write up, pics, and ram. Truly the experience of a lifetime congrats! This fellow who helped you out sounds like quite a fine gentleman to do so much for nothing but the experience of helping a fellow hunter out. There sure are some quality folks out there, in spite of the unfortunate lack of sportsmanship of others.

Congrats on an awesome ram!!! It looks like you put your time in and were rewarded with the trophy of a lifetime! Sorry to hear you had trouble accessing OUR public lands. Thanks for sharing!
I've decided to have him full bodied with habitat. It is going to cost me an arm and probably a leg as well as put a big ole' dent in my wallet, but I figured money comes and goes. In 20 years from now, I don't want to look back with regret for not having such a rare opportunity put in its most memorable state.
Great ram; truly a shame regarding the outfitter behavior, helicopter and land leasing. I hope you reported all to MFWP. The business of sheep hunting is sickening. I "could" have some great elk access in a unit over their that he has leased, the landowner has previously told me if I draw though I'm free to hunt as they don't care he leases their land when it comes to friends hunting.
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