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NFA Wait Times

So I'm totally new to this, but have thought about getting one for a few years but just haven't due to perceived difficulties.

If I were to get a suppressor, is it true that I have to present any time it or the rifle it's on is being used? My son uses alot of my rifles as well, and this would be a big negative if a suppressor prevents him from being able to use it.

Setup a trust for it with his name on it and you're good to go
Have you had your call in with them yet?
Holy crap, they must be really processing a lot of them right now. My 10 minute appt is over a week out! Its going to take almost a month to actually get the applications submitted and then less than a week to actually get them approved.
I have my meeting today to file with ATF. Should have approval on Monday, maybe Tuesday at the latest.
Just got approval for a B&T SRBS 556 can. From the time I certified the e-form 4 to approval was 4 days. This was an individual purchase, not a trust.
It was Merry Stampmas to me on Friday, got my Scythe-Ti, no go on batch approving the Spectre too, 114 days on a trust, the other is at 77 days. Hoping to get to the range this week, I had a new scope waiting for my primary hunting rifle, but waited to make both changes together to only re-zero once.


10 years ago, this was a pretty darn light hunting can.


This is where tech is now, with additive manufacturing who knows where the ceiling is.


So I shaved almost 5 ounces and 2 inches off the gun, added 2.6oz back with the new scope, so worked out really good.
Squirrels beware, I dipped my toe in the NFA world for the first time today. Gun shop had a silencerco sparrow on the shelf so I filled out the paperwork. Gun shop said they're seeing stuff take around a month. We'll see. I went the individual route.
I sent my fingerprints in Tuesday last week. Should be able to e-file as an individual this week and hopefully have my new toy next week!
Form 4 went in today. Just waiting ATF approval now. Hoping for approval in a couple of days. Then my suppressor will ship out!
Griffin Armament Sportsmen 338 UL
I’d like to hear how it performs for you. I have 1 original Sportsman, and 3 of the Sportsman Ultra Lights all in 30 cal, and they’ve been great. My Silencerco Hybrid 46 wears a 9mm front cap for my 338-06, and I have a Q Porq Chop for my 8.6blk. But I want to build a more serious 338 hunting rifle so….

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