Caribou Gear Tarp

NFA Wait Times

For those of you that aren't brand new to this, do you keep the tax stamp paperwork on you at the range? Or while hunting? Or just keep it in the safe?
For those of you that aren't brand new to this, do you keep the tax stamp paperwork on you at the range? Or while hunting? Or just keep it in the safe?
It’s in the safe, if I need to show it, there will be time to get it. Means something bad happened and stuff is really sideways.
For those of you that aren't brand new to this, do you keep the tax stamp paperwork on you at the range? Or while hunting? Or just keep it in the safe?
I have a digital copy of my full trust and every stamp downloaded on my phone. I used to keep a paper copy of the stamp with each item, but its not necessary IMO. I do keep a paper copy of each stamp in the original suppressor box, in addition to the original in a fire bag inside the safe.
If you were ever interested in getting a suppressor, now is the time. Takes less than a week! 100% confirmed and verified at least in WI. Had a buddy put in his paperwork last Monday and he was able to pick it up already on Friday. As a result, another buddy put it in on Friday and he was just told he can pick it up already tomorrow!
what voucher for the free banish 22?
They donate a pile of them to non profits that you can bid on at expos and banquets. Good for a free Banish 22 or $200 credit towards any suppressor.
If you watch the bids close or get lucky, you can leave the banquet with one for dirt cheap.
I just bought two suppressors today. No reason to be a slacker anymore on getting these with this part so quick and easy now. Been wanting to get two more for over a year now.

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