New Toy

Curious Fin if you ended up getting the 62st, and how it is working for you. How are the maps holding you notice them making any improvements on the maps themselves that your buying, including hunting unit boundaries?

I have used both the 60 csx (I own one) and a 62st that my father in law has. The 62st is a LOT faster in processing and it allows you to group data sets. In the 60csx you load a whole bunch of landowner sets to get the whole state of MT, and they show up individually to be turned on or off instead of a single layer. With the 62st you still load them individually but they show up as a group layer so you only need to turn 1 group off instead of individually turn on or off a 100 layers. And when you refresh the screen on a zoom function or another function that causes a screen refresh on the mapping page, the 62st is way faster in showing the data and refreshing. I will be replacing my 60csx with a new 62st when money allows for it.

I do not buy the maps that others have been using. I build my own mapsets at Free and super easy. So my experience is from only using those maps that I build myself.

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