How in the hell did I miss out on all of this fun?

Is it Splutter, Oldoregon, Cass, or Wrangler?
I started to defend you over at MM untill I went back and read your post and then read what you had tried to do over here. You need to grow up in a big way. The worst part is your a liar. I can put up with just about anything till it comes to lying. Go back to watching your rug rat movies and playing pokymon(sp?). When you grow up then come on back and try starting up an intelligent conversation.
Lier Huh? this just keeps getting better and better. When did I ever lie, If you are reffering to this post, well, it is just a joke gone wrong, and moosie likes to put people on the spot, you know make them feel like cyber shit?!?! As for standing up for me, I can stand up for myself, and would appreciate it you just bashed me like everyone else, I love seeing people get so pissy over some wise ass in cyberspace, that they will never know, or meet! Its a blast... In fact most of the post I make are just to piss people off. Let me guess what you are thinking right now, "... i think i should put this post on monstermuleys, so i can show up oldoregon, wont it be awesome when i get all kinds of cyber slaps-on-the-back from all the greats. They will think it is so cool when i make this little know nothing twerp feel like shit..." Was i right, I can bet I was at leastt close. Thans for making yourself feel big though... SEE YOU AT MM.COM!!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When did I ever lie, If you are reffering to this post, well, it is just a joke gone wrong, and moosie likes to put people on the spot, you know make them feel like cyber shit?!?! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

YUP.. THATS me, I didn't welcome you "OR" offer to take ya hunting. But, I might not be able to cash in on that this year.. MAybe not next year too, I like people that enjoy hunting and appreciate things.

PS, We're not getting pissy, Just telling you that your Preception of what people are thinking when you type is Wrong.

Don't mix up Being FUNNY and us thinking you're a bit SLOW as the same thing.
moosie, its water under da bridge, yah know what i mean. BTW I am still pissed i couldnt go hunting, my mom even said yes, which is a very rare thing! I got an Idea though! I sent you a P.M.(atleast i am going to in like 10 seconds. LOL!)
You know you are outta line, when Moosie comes down on ya'.

Kid, grow up, and at least act 1/2 your age. Don't go lieing to people, don't go being a racist or a homophobe, and you'll get a lot farther in life.

This place ain't got many rules, but it sure seems like you come close to breaking most of them.
i just gotta test the limits, as my mom would put it, "average rebellious 17 year old" BTW moosie, can you delet one of your old pm's so i could send you this really long on i typed out, it says that your inbox it full.

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