Kenetrek Boots


You said on Oct 1st in an Email as OldOregon :

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> No, i am only the same age as TK, not 18. just trying to see if i could sneak onsomehow. oh well!!! i wuddnt want to lie cause then u wouldnt trust me, so i
wont!!! i was just pushing buttons and pulling strings!!!!

the same day you Emailed me under Splunters :

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> >Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 11:44:23 -0700 (PDT)
>i am 18, my sign in name is splutter, i need a password for the adult
>forum. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

At least give it a few Days next time. And we did catch ya on 3 different IP #'s . 2 were almost The same though

When I asked about your Profile in another Email and Why ya didn't post you said :

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Sorry bout the typing, i was in a hurry. actually I am from Afton Wyoming. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

then said

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> i just moved from idaho last week, that is why i havnt posted. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So either you're "FROM" Afton, or ya Moved there, Make up your Mind.

You, My friend better not go into Politics, You SUCK at lieing !!!

This is you -->>
sorry moosie, but i just had to try. ill fing a loophole some day, i know i can break the system, and i have a few hacker friends, but i wouldnt do that too you!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-07-2003 13:40: Message edited by: oldoregon ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ill fing a loophole some day <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ohh really ? Will ya now ..
ill fing a loophole some day
Maybe what he meant to say was:
I'll finger a loophole some day!
This is one of the most humorous topics I have read in a long time.

Now I think I have this right. Old oregon posted his pic so he would look over 18 years of age. granted the cowboy hat makes you look a little older and you pretty much had me fooled with the dinner bells your holding on to in the picture.
the after viewing the pic and trying to determine if you were 18 or older you almost again past the little test.

except you forgot to pose for the camera in another spot other than the hallway of a school..

Is that building blocks in the background

those would be elk hangers, an i figured since i was 6 ' 5" i might pass. by the way, anybody want to buy and elk hanger, 10 bucks plus 5 dollars shipping. garuanted to hang up to a 1000 lb elk. lifetime guaruantee.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raybow 1:
ill fing a loophole some day
Maybe what he meant to say was:
I'll finger a loophole some day!

Or maybe i will finger a POOPHOLE someday
Nice Try Oldoregon.

TurkeyEye told me one night that he was able to look in the adult section under my name.

So I told him that I would log off when I am not going to be online.

He said then that he knows all the passwords for my screen names for various message boards.

13 year old are not supposed to be that smart.

The oldest is 18 and only goes directly to the porn sites anyways so I can look at them after he finds them
So I told TE that I know his passwords and can make him look like a idiot if I wanted too.



Nut let him figure out the password. cause if he can I will by him a 12 pack of beer.
besides if he could I know a bunch of companys that would hire him for computer programming.

Psst. TE there is no password. one of us has to enable a option in your profile to be able to view the adult section....
Don't feel bad Oldoregon, I AM 18 and Moosie still hasn't gave me the password, hint hint Moosie!!!
Old Oregon is ONE funny SOB !!! I have to admit he takes the cake. He Emails me earlier this month and Says :

"Hey Moosie, I forgot to tell you, I turned 18 last month. Sorry for Lieing before and was Hopeing I could still get access to the Adult Forum"

(I actually jsut rewrote that, It shouldn't be in Quotes but it's about what he said.)

Knowing he was lieing (once Again), I Emailed him back and told him I'm saving the Email and granting access incase I get a Call from his Mom Yelling at me about him looking at adult Jokes and I'd have the Emails.. (Or I think I have like 15 from him now, from 4 Different Email Addy's too

Anyways, I granted him Access. I've recently called BS on him on the Board and He said admitted lieing once again. then said he "WON". Whatever that means ?

WOW !!! He sure Surprised me
.. And once Again I...

Anyways, Today I get an Email from HIS MOM ......WILL I BE :

This is oldoregons Mom and i needed to let you know that he indeed lied to you. He is infact only 17 years old and not 18. e have discussed this issue with him several s and have stated that he will no longer be allowed to have access to your forum if this unappropriate behavoir doers not cease.
thankyou for your cooperation and I know that hje enjoys your forum but I hope you and I both keeping him accountable on this matter will help him to avoid this behavoir i n the future.
Old Oregon's Mom

NOW, I don't want to Point out who this Actually came from
, and I truely do Apreciate the Bigger words and having some Spelling check on.

All I have to Say is You're one Funny SOB O.O. !!!!
I try yah-know, i should get paid for making you guys laugh. Guess how my mom found out? she hacked into my freaking email, and read all my messages from moosie! I need to remember to delete my messages!
Just my opinion here, but you might try putting all this effort into something of more value.....
Kenetrek Boots

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