Caribou Gear

New Title For Big Stick.

Fuggg...that picture alone just moved hunting AK about three states down my list :( Lookin like one of those hormone injected turkeys you see waddling around before Thanksgiving...glad he at least kept the shirt on :eek:

An Greenhorn, to answer your question "how do those dink bucks get their bone all oranged-up like that?" ...obviously from rubbin off against the stock of one the 100 or so shooters that Jolly Rogers left cached on the island! Wonder if the neighbors in the trailer park get pissed tripping over all those fagged-up rifles when they're out strollin the rock?

You might not be fun to "tussle with" but I'd pay good money to watch AZ402 tie you in a knot with you sportin' that pink hat you so graciously passed down to your daughter! hump
Rather hilarious,leave Moosie's Man Love Board for a spell and upon return I see they are horned up all over again.

Haven't been hit on this hard,in a spell...and for the coup de grace,they want more flesh. Sublimely hilarious rampant door flingin' contest,for the greatly less fortunate,as they pour themselves out of the closet and come to terms with their latent sexuality. Admittedly,my manly beauty is a powerful thing.

Now someone thinks they can kick my ass and it's been quite a while since I've laughed that hard. I remain impressed with the amazingly low inherent per capita IQ here,ala the vicarious Hamburger Maker's Guild and their lamentations on how they were shortchanged with Life.

I sorta feel bad watching Jerry's Kids run NASCAR,but understand that shallow gene pools routinely provide great entertainment and admit that I can't turn away from the crash.

You know what they say about a man with big hands...and that will assuredly rekindle the sparks of attraction and draw in more to the powerful attraction of my beauty. Besides being an imposing physical specimen,I've pretty eyes.


I could clean up rather nicely,by selling autographs and am mulling that. Would donate the proceeds to those less fortunate......................
I remember that pic...Steelhead (Scottie-Mac) took that last year. These two bone heads were playing strip poker on a "Spring Fling". Anyway, this is only but one of a series of pics. IIRC, Steelhead is losing at this point and is actually nekid, taking this pic. I remember one of the better pictures was the two of them holding each other tightly, laughing (by this point, Steelhead is still completely nekid and Larry is down to the ball cap) and having just a good ol' time. It's on the 'net somewhere...I'll see if I can find it and post it here.
You know what they say about a man with big hands...

Ahhhh...don't you mean a man with big hams? ...and I'm sure you could tell us, quite eloquently mind you, what it is "they say" about most men...

....laffin....A LOT!
:confused:hell if I Know, but if I was a betting Man......I'd put my money on it having Lips.
"their lamentations on how they were shortchanged with Life."

maybe after seeing that picture, big stink shouldn't be the one talking about being short changed?
. Besides being an imposing physical specimen,I've pretty eyes.


Dude, my one brown eye is "prettier" than both of yours. And no, I am not gonna stoop to your level and post a picture of it even though I know you want me to.
Schmalts,what I want id for you to talk rifles.

But simply ain't possible....................
"Is",not "id".

My huge digits sometimes bump the wrong key.

My bad......................

No suprise to me,that a superlative physical specimen is the catalyst requisite,in which to fuel your wanton Fantasies.

I wish I had a dick like your' I get tired of carrying the big one of mine around.

I'm sure that'll horn you up,all over again...................
I wish I had a dick like your' I get tired of carrying the big one of mine around.

you must be talking about the one in your backpack.

I know you ain't very bright and thrive on cocktalk to boot,but I'll clarify a even a vicarious wannabe such as yourself can savvy.

My "problem" is,that I've worked around machinery for over 25yrs,that is geared expressly to the task of cutting. Not the paper cuts you get licking stamps,but the real deal. Now due to that proclivity,one takes certain steps to insulate himself from those inherent dangers. I never could cut in a jock,because sawdust penetrates same and the sweat interacting with the wide range of motion,is tough on one's skin(even mine and I've famously thick bark).

To circumvent malady,I long ago went to holstering my root to the port side,so as to preclude a dire consequence to my pleasure facilities.

Prior to fretting such things(as a 14yr old),I holstered to the right.


After driving a saw,I did the unthinkable and went crossdraw on the root. Now admittedly,it was a dire transition,though it beared much in the way of fruit. Due to strongside manipulations of the handlebars,the portside holster,effectively deterred unwanton sausage shortening(s). The thing is certainly unwieldy,but I'm none too hip to get things shortened,so long ago came to terms with God's generousity...and simply dealt with it in accordance.

Note the crossdraw 45 degree holster angle,so that I neither set on it,or get it caught in a pant leg via extreme range of motion.





I'll happily clarify anything you may have missed,but would surmise that a fervored prick looker such as yourself,got more than an eye full.

I just took a bow..........................
Well you certainly appear to like large wood. Are you the one who wrote pretty butt on that log - or was it the guy who cut it down?

Very cool photos- especially the last one.
I'm well beyond secure in my masculinity,so as to send my work overseas with an applicable adage denoting the quality of my work.

That'd be a $6000+ log.............
I long ago coined a term for exellence,which is "Hollywood". You'll note an inordinate percentage of Hollywood moves in my pics/video.

Right this very second,there's a Gazillion Zipperheads on their knees chanting my name,as they worship Shinto Shrines I cut.

And rightfully so...........................

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