Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

New Title For Big Stick.

"Laffin" Last year was the "Year of the Slipper" this year is the "Year of the Bone".

Everyone be sure to rub one out before the trophy pic.

I spent 2 decades getting paid for my sweat and my brains,against a herd of others trying to trump same. MY phone STILL rings off the hook,despite my retirement and the offers are still beyond gracious.

Have yet to see anyone hold a candle,as I'm quite a bit better than THAT good and unashamedly.

The Zipperheads have a curious penchant to Worship things "Holy",despite their import and I always found that curious. WHY would a gazillion Slopes get giddy about something that isn't indigenous? Was always weird to me,that they travelled 1000's of miles,to choose an archaeic species of tree to bow to?!!? Worked great for me,as I've whittled numerous trees worth $100,000.

Peruse 'tube,Axe Men and the like and compare/contrast my footage/pics.

I'm well beyond comfy in those extrapolations.......................

I spent 2 decades getting paid for my sweat and my brains,against a herd of others trying to trump same. MY phone STILL rings off the hook,despite my retirement and the offers are still beyond gracious.

Have yet to see anyone hold a candle,as I'm quite a bit better than THAT good and unashamedly.

The Zipperheads have a curious penchant to Worship things "Holy",despite their import and I always found that curious. WHY would a gazillion Slopes get giddy about something that isn't indigenous? Was always weird to me,that they travelled 1000's of miles,to choose an archaeic species of tree to bow to?!!? Worked great for me,as I've whittled numerous trees worth $100,000.

Peruse 'tube,Axe Men and the like and compare/contrast my footage/pics.

I'm well beyond comfy in those extrapolations.......................

I sure appreciate your efforts to my hygiene. I always like to have a 'pick handy to free up meat shards.

Wife says thanks too...I know she uses them to see if the cake is baked all the way through...as she prisses around the kitchen in nut'n but an apron.
I'm not suprised,that some guy probes the lesions in your face with a toothpick,so as to get an average depth.

My subtention factoring is beyond compare and 2 mil cracks abound your mug..................
Slightly smaller then the scabs on your little boy invader.
While I appreciate your concern on my manhood,despite your fagtitudial twist on same,I'm curious to know how much spackle it takes to cover that mug?

1qt a day?............................
I'm not suprised,that some guy probes the lesions in your face with a toothpick,so as to get an average depth.

My subtention factoring is beyond compare and 2 mil cracks abound your mug..................

Oh, Stick. You don't know what you are doing to me. Leave these people alone, you and I am probably the only ones that know what "subtention" is.

For those that don't I will use it in a sentence:

I, along with half of the other Asian men in the country, see Big Stick standing there pantless, and our minds envision with subtention the sight yet unseen.
Well, since we are on topic of glamour. WTF happend to your droopy lip? Bet you bit Scott Magie and he in turn beotch slapped you. Probably caught you with that promise ring you purchased him.

You've the SOLO luxury of penning your Man Fantasies.

Shoot for the stars...................

You know that with us, SOLO luxury is reserved for when you and I were at different logging camps. Don't you remember when we would reenact the fight scenes between Luke and Darth, with our own "Light Sabers"...

I savvy your appreciation for my dynamic form and understand how being a skateboarding dildo working at 7-11,do not rate News. Get over it.

While you stew your homoerotic angst,get mad at your paycheck and abode,become jealous when your man dances with another and hide your vehicle from others...just focus upon Reincarnation. You've "hope".


The only "reincarnation" that I could fathom is to be a mustache lice. Then I would ride that handlebar for all of eternity...
I noted long ago,the inherent fascinations bolstered by Zipperhead's curiousities...as per my regard.

They've been bowing(and rightfully so),for 2 decades.......................
Even in Kumono drag...Wacker can't feign a prick look.

Am thinking it is new bounds for a pockmarked Yoda-clone,to embrace a Zipperheaded drive-by,as a culmination of closet angst.

Though admittedly...I turn alotta heads......................

Get those stubby little digits typing faster. I'm getting bored waiting on you to post. Quit the foreplay and get your little "man hams" back here in bed.

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