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New Title For Big Stick.

...leave it to Gunner to hijack a bash...with a bash...then whine about being singled out. Maybe Team Goober will let you bat cleanup.:D

I have no idea who you say I give a pass to, as you are (or were, before Big Stick graced us with his presence) the only one who seems to be unable to refrain from name-calling on an on-going basis in the general, open sections of the forum - particularly as it pertains to two individuals in particular. I have yet to see either of them call you names in Fireside or the other unrestricted areas of the forum.

As far as you are concerned, you can rest easy, knowing that my arbitrariness concerning you knows no bounds. :D

Cali, you might start warming up your "You're right, Jose" typing fingers....

Why don't you check out ***** signature line and see if he is posting bastardizations of forum names in the Fireside area. I am guessing there is a "You're right, Jose" on its way....... hump

If you would pull your wad of panties out, you would see that your insecurity toward my superior intellect has blinded you toward transgressions of others.... ;)
Are you claiming to be "guner" or "280?" That would explain a lot....including your fetish with my "panties."

Since you insist, I will edit out your bastardization of names.... ;) I'll let "Cali" slide, though, since I am not as easily offended as you seem to be....

Why don't you use your He-Man Macho Super Internet Forum Adminstrator powers and check out The Cheese's profile to see who he has on his Ignore list?

How do you decide who's bastardization of names that gets you all wadded up, and which ones you allow to go because you feel sorry for the miserable excuse of a human?
holy shit, the dude aint got no dick!! I shit you not, my wife walked by and saw that picture and asked WTF? it looks like he has no pants where is his little weiner? I then had to explain that he was born dickless so he over compensates with trying to impress with pictures of him doing "stuff"
Why don't you use your He-Man Macho Super Internet Forum Adminstrator powers and check out The Cheese's profile to see who he has on his Ignore list?

Why? It's okay to have whoever you want on your ignore list. I see no mention of "Jose Cuervo" on his signature.

Tell you what, though. While I don't usually wear underwear, I will wear a pair of boxers for a week and sell them to you for $5, since you are so fascinated/obsessed/fixated by me. I won't even wipe the last time I wear them. I would normally be worried about an internet stalker, but I know you are, shall we say, "non-confrontational?"
Why? It's okay to have whoever you want on your ignore list. I see no mention of "Jose Cuervo" on his signature.

Tell you what, though. While I don't usually wear underwear, I will wear a pair of boxers for a week and sell them to you for $5, since you are so fascinated/obsessed/fixated by me. I won't even wipe the last time I wear them. I would normally be worried about an internet stalker, but I know you are, shall we say, "non-confrontational?"

I just did a Search on "guner" and found no member with that spelling. Obviously, ******* has been bastardizing somebody's name, and, you in your infinite Holier Than Thou New Sherriff In Town Internet Super Forum Administrator once again show your spinelessness toward free speech and freedom of expression.
Both of you to your corners. Stay on topic.

I would be willing to let you settle it. Do you think we should refer to the dumbass who digs holes in the forest, who can't keep a job, who has sex with dead animals, who drives across state lines to meet underage boys in Salmon Idaho, who drags endangered species out of the water and grabs them by the gill for his "glory" photos, and hangs raw meat from his kitchen ceiling as ****?
holy shit, the dude aint got no dick!! I shit you not, my wife walked by and saw that picture and asked WTF? it looks like he has no pants where is his little weiner? I then had to explain that he was born dickless so he over compensates with trying to impress with pictures of him doing "stuff"

I just blew soda all over my keyboards. I saw the picture, said the same thing you posted to my self then read your post. Outstanding! Thanks for the laugh.

Laffin my arse off Small stick.
You're talking about ***** right?? Yes, he is ******, always has been -- always will be and it's totally crap that he cannot be referred to as *******, here and everywhere else, because that's what he's known as... Carry on..
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