Caribou Gear

New Scope | 300 yards in low-light

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@Mr. UML This would go nicely on your musket. High end and necessary/suitable for your 300 yard hunting applications.
Gee, Remington just HAS to be wrong! They sell a scoped package of this whiz-bang rifle that has a 3-9x40 Leupold on it! Who could possibly use something so insufficient to shoot with? :rolleyes:
I've a friend about the off load his Schmidt 10X42pmii. He says too much magnification for him (thankfully I'm not seeing that as a problem for me), and with a little education/usage this would be your top pick for the under $2K price point.

Unfortunately for you, I'll be buying it for one of my rifles.
Wait, I see schmidt has higher magnification, which may be a suitable match for a muzzleloader of such precision accuracy..
Some light reading:

Huh, never knew Remington made muzzle loaders while John Holmes was alive
@The Hedgehog - The 6-36x56mm has that "Leupold" cross hair I'm not a fan of. The other scope doesn't have illumination.

@Dave N - For many people 3-9x would be fine. The average muzzleloader hunter isn't sitting over 35 acres of field and facing the shots that I am.

@TheJason - The .350 Legend cannot compare to the stank a .50cal muzzleloader puts down. Many people in my family use the 350's and they have to track their deer a good ways (80-200 yards). Mine never move 5 steps.
@Dave N - For many people 3-9x would be fine. The average muzzleloader hunter isn't sitting over 35 acres of field and facing the shots that I am.
And by your own admission YOU are an average muzzleloader hunter. It doesn't matter what you buy to shoot. If you are getting 2-3" groups at 200 like you said, you shouldn't be trying to hunt at 300. It's just. Too. Far. I don't give two shits about hitting a gong. You should think twice about it. Just because something is advertised to do something doesn't mean everyone can. And please, if you can't make something out in low light you shouldn't try to shoot it! Brighter scopes won't change the fact that it's too dark. Sometimes people have to know their limits and just watch when deer are out of EFFECTIVE range. 35 acres could be 80. Then what? Use your telescope and shoot 300 at paper. A lot. Then you can see just what you are doing. Forget about steel.
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