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New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

I'm pretty sure there is a podcast called Hunt Talk that covers this topic in an episode, nice guy named Randy goes over it with some New Mexico guys that explain the system and its flaws.....
You should try worrying about the issues in your own backyard 95/5 split and half of those go to outfitters. Or that stupid preference system the unit I grew up hunting takes me 13 + points as a non resident now. With the preference I just watch it get farther and farther away while my hunting partner still hunts it about every other year
As I've said before on these posts where a non-res is complaining about such and such state.
Nobody is forcing you to apply there. The state gets to set the rules and you have abide by them whether you like it or not. You play the game within the confines of those rules or you just don't play.
As a non-res you have no say and should not have any say in how the state sets the rules.

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My 2 cents. Texas has no open land to hunt like a lot of other states. No Nat'l forest land or public land. We have nothing but land to own or lease for WT, hogs, turkey, coyotes, mule deer far west Tx and those high fenced exotic ranches that cost an arm and leg to hunt. However, Tx does have some draw hunts for said animals on state owned property. There are also hunts for nilgai, pronghorn and big horn sheep. While the cost of resident vs NR license might differ, these draws are open to ANYONE not just residents. Everyone who applies has the same chance regardless. I think its fair. Luck of the draw just like playing the lottery. I think some of the other states should adopt some other way of allocating the percentages across the board so everyone has a chance to benefit in a more, not saying equal perse, but better odds of getting drawn.
Even in TX I've heard arguments on LO charging so much for a hunting lease. The cost of the land, maintaining the land, property taxes etc. Most that have acres and acres of land have had it passed down from generations of family, or rich enough to buy it. I'm sorry but if you own 1000+acres and only have worked 100 of it for ranching/farming the rest is going to be the same as if you didn't own or not. The critters are going to be there no matter what. Property tax for some of that land in certain areas is dirt cheap. Put some scrub cattle on it and get ag-exempt also.

You can please some of the people some of the time and all the people none of the time!
I have been on most of these sites for quite some time. there are times I PM a few hunters and other times I ready and when I get a little upset, I will indicate my view on the subject.
On just about every site, I have been on and listened and indicated PM'd a few for a little advice.
The one thing I hear so much on these sites excluding the Hunts is the LO tag Base and how unfair it is for the LO to be in the 10% of the Draw. Residents complain and most Nonresidents complain at least the ones who cannot afford to go on a Guided hunt even if it's the first 2 days a guide is required.
Here are my 2 cents on all this that I have been reading. The big question is WHY! Why does the LO base have any more rights in the Draw? Take away the LO base and make it right by all who put in for these tags. Gives the NR a little better chance and put them all on the same page sort of speak. The ordinary Joe putting in for a NR tag in most situations it too damn expensive and they cannot afford to put in for a LO tag. The cost is outrages. LO are making a killing as it is charging anywhere from 6500.00 to 10,000.00 and up for a guided trip on that property as it is. then on top of that picking up all the LO clients they can for x amount of Dollars is absolutely crazy. when does the dollar amount in all these cases become enough. It's always about the Dollar and nothing else. Look what an NR pays for a tag in NM and look what they pay for a Regular License and that goes to the state if not drawn. So, with the NR percentages being so low in the draw because of the low percentages taken away from the DIY hunter those percentages drop to .5 percent up to maybe just maybe 3 percent in some units. It's crazy. So, the Whiners stop and think of how if you were in those situations how much whining you would have. No one should complain about the low percents the NR has period. If you want to complain then complain to the dept or your system that come up with these idiot ideas in the first place. Take away the LO base and make a difference to all. 90% 10% across the board. How about 80% 20 % across the board now listen to the complaints? would absolutely love to hear from a few more hunters on their thoughts about this matter.
Oh good. Another misspelled rant by someone who cant buy a tag and thinks Landowners are getting rich from PLO tags.

They'll just drive the Elk off for cattle you goof. Speaking of whining......
My 2 cents. Texas has no open land to hunt like a lot of other states. No Nat'l forest land or public land. We have nothing but land to own or lease for WT, hogs, turkey, coyotes, mule deer far west Tx and those high fenced exotic ranches that cost an arm and leg to hunt. However, Tx does have some draw hunts for said animals on state owned property. There are also hunts for nilgai, pronghorn and big horn sheep. While the cost of resident vs NR license might differ, these draws are open to ANYONE not just residents. Everyone who applies has the same chance regardless. I think its fair. Luck of the draw just like playing the lottery. I think some of the other states should adopt some other way of allocating the percentages across the board so everyone has a chance to benefit in a more, not saying equal perse, but better odds of getting drawn.
Even in TX I've heard arguments on LO charging so much for a hunting lease. The cost of the land, maintaining the land, property taxes etc. Most that have acres and acres of land have had it passed down from generations of family, or rich enough to buy it. I'm sorry but if you own 1000+acres and only have worked 100 of it for ranching/farming the rest is going to be the same as if you didn't own or not. The critters are going to be there no matter what. Property tax for some of that land in certain areas is dirt cheap. Put some scrub cattle on it and get ag-exempt also.

You can please some of the people some of the time and all the people none of the time!
Comparing Texas to western states is like comparing bbq to sushi
Comparing Texas to western states is like comparing bbq to sushi
yeah probably not the best comparison seeing how bbq is better than sushi! was just pointing out that the draw hunts are open to anyone (no preference to resident vs NR) and everyone has an equal chance.
Is there a path to a reasonably priced LO tag. Outfitters want a small fortune for them.
My 2 cents. Texas has no open land to hunt like a lot of other states. No Nat'l forest land or public land. We have nothing but land to own or lease for WT, hogs, turkey, coyotes, mule deer far west Tx and those high fenced exotic ranches that cost an arm and leg to hunt. However, Tx does have some draw hunts for said animals on state owned property. There are also hunts for nilgai, pronghorn and big horn sheep. While the cost of resident vs NR license might differ, these draws are open to ANYONE not just residents. Everyone who applies has the same chance regardless. I think its fair. Luck of the draw just like playing the lottery. I think some of the other states should adopt some other way of allocating the percentages across the board so everyone has a chance to benefit in a more, not saying equal perse, but better odds of getting drawn.
Even in TX I've heard arguments on LO charging so much for a hunting lease. The cost of the land, maintaining the land, property taxes etc. Most that have acres and acres of land have had it passed down from generations of family, or rich enough to buy it. I'm sorry but if you own 1000+acres and only have worked 100 of it for ranching/farming the rest is going to be the same as if you didn't own or not. The critters are going to be there no matter what. Property tax for some of that land in certain areas is dirt cheap. Put some scrub cattle on it and get ag-exempt also.

You can please some of the people some of the time and all the people none of the time!
Texas has open national forest and walk in public land you can hunt. I have never hunted National Forest in Texas but if you live in East Texas maybe checkout Sam Houston National Forest regulations.

But to your point it’s not nearly as much land or high quality compared to western states.
I think the system is rigged in favor of NR! I am a resident and have talked to alot of other residents that haven’t drawn tags in years! NMDGF claim the percentages that they alot, but I don’t believe them. Everywhere you go and see hunters during hunting season, seems like they all have out of state plates on their rigs! One commenter above mentioned getting emails about tags that folks have backed out on. I feel it is a money making political ordeal IMO! I just want to hunt and have a good time with my family and friends! Honestly, there are too many hunters nowadays for the system of bygone days, which is great!! I just want a tag!
Hi There, I think when I see the numbers of tags given out in NM and the numbers of res and non res it makes sense why it is so darn hard to draw.
When you look at the odds a NR has you might think different, and it is the luck of the draw. Take the Gila for instance with the numbers of NR and the number of tags given it is like 0.03 % chance and someone has to draw. there are NR and R who have been waiting years and not drawn a tag.
But when you see the numbers of applicants for that state you see why. Hundreds of thousand put in for so few tags.
you can benefit if you can afford it to purchase a Land Ower Tag or put in with an Outfitter the chances in the draw are larger, But, not that much larger.
People look at the NR who draw and again in all the Gila hunts there are only 8-12 tags given out for NR and 60,000 applicants and with residents there are 55-65 tags given out with 100,000 + applicants. So, the % are low very low.
In my opinion it's definitely not rigged for NR.
In our state it's the same guys will say the exact same things because someone has to draw, and the NR tags are always gone but so are the res tags.
When the hunting News media blows it up about the elk numbers and sizes killed everyone wants a piece of the action.
Utah like NM and MT have hundreds of thousands of applicants and very few tags.
With the point systems in all but 2 or 3 states is even worse. once you use those points your chances go to what NM is 0,03% chance to draw and you just don't draw.
At least NM along with a couple other states is a fair chance to draw and everyone has the same chance just such low numbers of tags Given out each year.
So, I hear you, but no one has a better chance than the next it's like the lottery all damn luck of the draw and a computer spits it out.
I dont think you'd like a point system here at all so ya take a chance as we all do if we draw you thank God you drew because it was the luck of the draw.
I think the system is rigged in favor of NR! I am a resident and have talked to alot of other residents that haven’t drawn tags in years! NMDGF claim the percentages that they alot, but I don’t believe them. Everywhere you go and see hunters during hunting season, seems like they all have out of state plates on their rigs! One commenter above mentioned getting emails about tags that folks have backed out on. I feel it is a money making political ordeal IMO! I just want to hunt and have a good time with my family and friends! Honestly, there are too many hunters nowadays for the system of bygone days, which is great!! I just want a tag!
The numbers in the lottery are set and nonresidents only get 6% which is published fact. Where the number of nonresidents on the landscape increase is the eplus welfare system which primarily benefits the nonresident. Units such as 12 have nearly as many eplus tags as lottery draw tags
I dont know about the eplus. All I know is what they indicate the NR get at 6% with the low numbers is only as indicated on a Gila hunt less than 0.033% chance to draw.
Maybe I should apply for an eplus tag then huh tell me more. Look at the total NR draw in the state. and R draw in the state. Its still a luck of the draw no matter how you look at it.
I dont know about the eplus. All I know is what they indicate the NR get at 6% with the low numbers is only as indicated on a Gila hunt less than 0.033% chance to draw.
Maybe I should apply for an eplus tag then huh tell me more. Look at the total NR draw in the state. and R draw in the state. Its still a luck of the draw no matter how you look at it.
It’s not a draw. It’s a landowner voucher that you can buy if you have an extra 7-20k laying around. So no it’s not a luck thing it’s a money thing