New Mexico is going up in flames

Going to hit 80 today here, easy. Usual date for 80 is mid June.
Winds cranking up again today thru the week.
We are supposed to get some rain today and tomorrow. It looks like we may have a little something blowing in from the north. Weather dude measures rain in squirts from a spray bottle.
Evacuation orders supposedly try to keep people out of harms way and also clears the way for emergency personnel to have unencumbered access if needed. It also gives low life's and bad guys freedom to steal. My thoughts are that looters should be shot on sight. My second thought is that in our last fire, and the one before, people that evacuated lost their homes. The people like myself and some of my neighbors ignored evacuation orders and still have a home.
My daughter and Son in law live in White Rock and were put on notice to be prepared for evacuation. Didn't happen but they had to do the, "what do we take and what do we leave drill".

With this big wind event, White Rock is on their radar again.

Yeah amigos it ain’t no picnic here In Texas, one cigarette from a motorcycle or car , BBQ pit and we’re up a creek, lakes are empty also so no helicopters dumping water
West Tejas is under same warnings.
Yes. Quick moving fires are not too bad. Lots in Oregon and most have recovered well. Take the fire last year in DeBeque Colorado. An all around great game area for deer, elk, pheasants and others. It almost burned to Utah. It burned so hot and slow it looks like the moon. Nothing will grow for years and years. Nothing.
Yup, there is very little revegetation in places but there are still turkey’s.

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