Caribou Gear Tarp

New Mexico backdoor results

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I just logged into the NM account for me and a friend. If you log in and go to purchase a license, you might be able to tell if you drew, depending upon if you asked for a refund of your license.

I asked for a refund. When I log into my account, I was able to buy a license. So, I am sure I did not draw, as if I had drawn, I would already have a license and it wouldn't sell me a second license.

My friend who is very impaired from a mobility standpoint has a card certifying his immobility. While younger and more mobile, he racked up two grand slams of sheep, but has never shot a really big pronghorn. A very accomplished hunter. He was in a Nevada elk episodes in Season Two of OYOA.

I was visiting with him in February, discussing his current battle with lymphoma and how he thinks his hunting days are possibly over. He is usually very upbeat, but those kind of issues and the side affects of chemo are enough to bring down the greatest of guys.

I told him if he was willing, I would help him apply for a mobility impaired antelope tag, haul his Marine Corp ass down to New Mexico, and help find him an antelope he thinks meets the "big" category. The best non-guided odds in NM are the mobility impaired hunts.

Well, I logged into his account and tried to buy a general hunting license for $65. Got a message that I could not buy a hunting license for him, as one already exists for this customer. I know when we did his antelope application, we asked for a refund if not draw. The fact he cannot buy a license today pretty much tells me that he drew and his original license was not refunded, as was the case for me.

We will be filming this one, if at all possible. The story of helping others and making sure those of less health and opportunity can keep hunting, is something I feel strongly about. And, to take a great friend to a place he has never hunted and provide him an opportunity he never expected to have, is worth far more than the time and effort that might be expended.

I think I am more excited about him drawing than he was. Now, just a matter of which unit he drew.

You can check your NM results, via back door method, at this link -
I applied for about everything you can apply for in New Mexico so it's hard to narrow it down for me.

I can't buy a general hunting license so it looks like I drew something for sure. I can't add a private land deer tag to my cart so it looks like I drew deer, no idea which choice though. I applied for a muzzleloader tag as my 3rd choice in a unit I know pretty well so that may be what I drew although I don't even currently own a muzzleloader.

Not looking like I drew Oryx or Ibex but not a big surprise there. I doubt anyone is going to let me borrow their ranch authorization numbers to check to see if I drew an elk or antelope tag so I'm going to have to wait for those along with sheep which I still don't see how they are saying I still have a chance to draw, but that's what they told me over the phone.

At least I drew something it looks like.
Ughh. Buzz kill. It lets me add it to my cart so i assume I did not draw. I did not try to go as far as trying to pay...or did you have have to actually plug in payment info to find out. Grasping at straws . :)
You have to click on add to cart and then you get a notice that comes up that you already have that license.
It won't let me buy a license. Says I already have one. It's my first year applying to New Mexico and I only put in for Gila tags. Is this good??
Randy tell him about this friend of yours that beat lymphoma, and did his first elk hunt while doing chemo. A positive attitude is key. Let me know if you need any help on hunts.
Randy tell him about this friend of yours that beat lymphoma, and did his first elk hunt while doing chemo. A positive attitude is key. Let me know if you need any help on hunts.

I will tell him that, if I haven't already.
Not looking too good for me...I opted for the full refund when I applied for NM elk and it's now letting me purchase the general license again. I can only hope this is the result of a major computer malfunction!
I got a message that the product I was trying to purchase was "conflicting" with something I had already purchased.


Well, do you think it's the early Gila rifle hunt (1/2 percent odds)

The second season Gila muzzleloader hunt (5-6% odds)

Or the none trophy, late muzzleloader hunt (18% odds)

A fellow can dream, can't he ?
Interesting, I tried but got kicked out BUT I'm a resident and already bought the combo fishing/hunting license so I think I would get that either way. I'll let you know whether I draw just in case the data point is useful.

Thanks for the info, Randy - I'll pass it along to some buddies.
I still am not able to buy a license. Come on 16A!!! If this backdoor method fails you just might hear some uncontrollable sobbing coming from all the way over here in southern Minnesota! I sometimes wish I never would have opened this thread :)
I can't add a license, but can add a Barbary and a Private-Land Deer tag.

Hoping this means I drew elk since the only tag I put in for is 16D (fingers crossed).
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